Falling for a Jonas

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Request by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Summary: The story is about Y/n who meets her favorite Jonas Brother, Joe, and goes on tour with the band. As they spend time together, they fall in love and confess their feelings on a rooftop in London.

Warnings: none

Y/n had been having a rough day at school. As usual, she had been the target of bullies who made fun of her for being different. But she had learned to cope with it by listening to music, especially the songs of the Jonas Brothers. Their music had a way of making her feel better, and she would often escape into it when things got tough.

So, when the latest round of bullying became too much for her to handle, Y/n found herself running away to the park. She sat on a bench, tears streaming down her face, and put on her headphones to listen to some of her favorite songs.

As she sat there, lost in the music, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to see a familiar face. It was Joe Jonas from the Jonas Brothers.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, offering her a tissue.

Y/n was stunned. She couldn't believe that her favorite musician was standing right in front of her. She wiped away her tears and told him about her troubles at school and how his music had always helped her get through tough times.

"Thank you for making me feel better," she said, still in disbelief.

Joe smiled. "Anything for a fan," he replied.

They chatted for a while, and Y/n was amazed at how down-to-earth and friendly Joe was. He asked her if she'd like to go to dinner with him, and Y/n agreed. They went to a fancy restaurant, and Y/n couldn't help but feel nervous and excited at the same time.

Over dinner, they talked about everything from music to movies to their shared love of animals. Y/n was having the time of her life, and she felt like she had known Joe for years.

As they finished their meal, Joe looked at her intently. "Y/n, I have a proposition for you," he said. "How would you like to go on tour with us?"

Y/n was speechless. She had never even dreamed of something like this happening to her.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Joe said, sensing her hesitation. "But we would love to have you come along. You could be our guest and see all the amazing places we travel to."

Y/n was torn. On the one hand, the idea of traveling with her favorite band was like a dream come true. But on the other hand, she didn't want to leave her family and friends behind.

"I understand if it's too much," Joe said, looking at her sympathetically. "But just think about it. It could be the adventure of a lifetime."

Y/n thought about it long and hard, and in the end, she decided to take the plunge. She told Joe she would love to go on tour with them, and he was thrilled.

They went back to her place so she could pack her things, and Joe explained the situation to her mom. Her mom was thrilled for her daughter and thanked Joe for making her happy.

They headed to the hotel where Nick and Kevin were waiting, and Y/n was nearly fainting at the sight of all three of them together. But Joe held onto her tightly, telling Nick and Kevin that she was joining them on tour.

Nick and Kevin were thrilled, especially after hearing how Joe had met Y/n. They welcomed her with open arms, and Y/n felt like she had found a new family.

The tour was everything Y/n had hoped it would be and more. She saw incredible sights, met amazing people, and got to spend time with her favorite band. And as she spent more time with Joe, she realized that she was falling in love with him.

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