Lightspeed Love - Carter Grayson (Power Rangers)

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Request by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

Paring: Y/N x Carter

Summary: Y/n and Carter's love story is tested when they're captured by Vypra, but with the help of their fellow rangers, they fight their way back to safety and realize that they're stronger together.

Warnings: Includes action and violence, as well as a character being held captive, but nothing explicit or inappropriate.

Y/n had always admired Carter's bravery and leadership, ever since the day he saved her from a burning building. She never forgot that moment and always felt a sense of gratitude towards him. However, as time passed, she realized that her feelings towards Carter were not just gratitude, but something more. She started to develop a crush on him, but she never acted on it, afraid that it would ruin their close friendship.

One day, during training, Y/n found herself constantly stealing glances at Carter. Dana and Kelsey, who had been observing her behavior, decided to confront her. "Y/n, we noticed that you've been staring at Carter a lot lately. Do you have feelings for him?" Dana asked.

Y/n's face turned red as she tried to deny it, but eventually, she admitted to her crush on Carter. "I'm sorry. I know it's silly, and I don't want it to ruin our friendship," Y/n said, looking down.

Dana smiled at her reassuringly. "It's not silly at all. In fact, we all know how great Carter is. He's brave, smart, and handsome. You're not the only one who has a crush on him."

Kelsey nodded in agreement. "But we understand your concerns. We're all close friends here, and we don't want anything to come between us."

Y/n smiled gratefully at her friends' understanding. "Thank you both. I appreciate it. I won't act on my feelings, I promise."

However, fate had other plans. As the Rangers were fighting Vypra, Y/n managed to sneak on board the Lightspeed Rescue car without anyone noticing. When Vypra spotted her, she grabbed Y/n and demanded that one of the Rangers surrender themselves.

Carter saw the fear in Y/n's eyes and knew that he couldn't let anything happen to her. "I'll surrender," he said, stepping forward.

One of Vypra's monsters grabbed Carter, and they took him and Y/n to a hiding spot. They were both tied up and unable to move.

"Why did you surrender?" Y/n asked, looking at Carter with concern.

"I couldn't let anything happen to you. I love you," Carter confessed, surprising Y/n.

"I love you too, ever since you saved me from the burning building," Y/n said, smiling at him.

Carter looked at her with tenderness in his eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

Y/n's heart swelled with happiness, and she nodded her head. "Yes, I will."

Suddenly, they heard Kelsey and Dana's voices, and they knew that the other Rangers were coming to rescue them. When they arrived, they quickly freed Carter and Y/n, and Dana gave Carter his Ranger Morpher back.

The Rangers fought together, and with Y/n safely out of harm's way, they were able to defeat Vypra and her monsters. Back at Lightspeed Rescue, everyone was relieved and happy that Carter and Y/n were safe.

Carter and Y/n announced their new relationship, and their friends were happy for them. "I knew it!" Chad exclaimed, grinning at them.

Joel clapped Carter on the back. "You lucky dog, you."

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