Chapter 1 - A Mystery Island

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It was surprisingly a very peaceful day on the Divinus Magia island. The guild leaders were working, David and Plant were tending to the gardens, Lucas was meditating in his pool, Devin was reading in his house, Kit and Inmo were hanging out in the guild hall, and finally, Mario and Blake were training. This was one of the very few days that every member of the island could do their own thing and relax.

The twins personally were sorting through all the quests that had come in. Ever since Divinus Magia started up again, a lot of quests have come in, which is very fortunate for the guild. Most of the quests were S class, as before the only mage who was ranked S class was Lo'Pho, so they piled up, as well as the SS class quests.

The SS class quests are probably divided between Divinus and Grimshade, which takes some of those of me and my brother's backs, Ritchie sorted through the quests that were currently being put on the board by Brandon. There was a peaceful silence between the two as they worked in tandem with each other until Ritchie noticed a quest that stood out. Well, what stood out most was the big word of 'URGENT' written on the top in red ink.

"Hey Brandon, come here for a second," Ritchie called out as he started reading through the quest.

He could hear the soft footsteps of his brother as he made his way over to look at the paper that was currently being assessed by Ritchie.

"Urgent? That is interesting..." Brandon muttered from over Ritchie's shoulder as he stared at the ominous quest in his brother's hands.

"I know, right? This is the first time I have seen something like this," He turned to look back at Brandon.

"From what it says, it is of an island that is not too far from Atlantide. It's actually not far from us either," He handed the quest paper to Brandon. "The quest is about scouting out the island to see if it is safe for sailors to dock at,"

"An island scouting?" Brandon repeated after his brother as he looked at the rank of the quest. "An S class?" he looked up at Ritchie to see him nod to his question. "Just scouting?" Brandon inquired as he looked back down at the paper.

"Yes, it is," Ritchie nodded again, "But from what that paper says, there has been suspicious magic detected on the island, and it's pretty menacing," he informed Brandon.

"Menacing?" Brandon snorted in amusement at his brother's choice of words. Ritchie gave a shrug with a smirk at Brandon's reaction.

"We should probably find either David or Lucas, so we can send one of them out. It looks like this is an urgent matter," He stood up from his chair and started walking to the door of their office, he could hear Brandon following along with the quest in hand.

Maybe we should send more than one person on this quest, Brandon followed Richie down the stairs to the guild hall.

When the twins reached the guild hall, they noticed Inmo and Kit conversing with each other. Ritchie decided to approach them, so they can save some of the hassle of looking for one of the S class mages.

"Hello Mister Ritchie, and Mister Brandon!" Inmo waved at the two as he noticed them approaching them. Kit turned around at the mention of the two, but visibly deflated when she saw Ritchie.

"Hello Inmo, Kit" Ritchie replied with a curt nod to the two. "Do you two happen to know where David or Lucas is?"

"Why do you need-" Kit frowned, which was directed at the lightning devil slayer before she was interrupted, "I know where David is!" Inmo hastily stood up from the table. This unfortunately caused Kit to direct a glare towards Inmo, who didn't notice as he approached the twins.

"I can take you both to him!" Inmo said with a smile on his face as he turned around to wave bye to Kit, oblivious to her sour mood, and headed to leave the guild hall. Ritchie and Brandon both said bye to Kit as they were passing by her.

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