Chapter 2 - Island Quest

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With a medium-sized duffle bag over his shoulder, David left his house with his son by his side. He was off to find a certain puddle before he left.

But that proved to be quite a difficult endeavour as he has no clue where the co-parent to his son could be. He had some ideas, unfortunately, there were a lot of ideas where the water god slayer could be.

I mean, he might not even be on the island! David huffed as he considered just dropping off Plant with Devin or Kit. That would be easier than just going on this crazy hunt for his buddy.

As if the gods pitied him, David finally spotted Lucas just as he was leaving his house.

"Lucas!" The water mage in question almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden shout.

"Good day to you too, David," Lucas sighed as he put a hand over his heart to calm down from the sudden jumpscare. He turned around just in time to catch Plant as they hugged him.

"And Hello to you too, Plant," "Plant!"

"Are you going on a quest, snowflake?" Lucas asked as he noticed the bag over the other's shoulder.

"Yep, I need you to take care of Plant while I am gone." David adjusted the bag over his shoulder as he patted Plant's head.

"Are you going on your own?"

"Nah I'm going with the Lost Child, Inmo and Pebbles,"


"I think you should take more people with you," Brandon interrupted.


"Do you underestimate me, Brandon?" David gasped dramatically as he mock glared at his guild leader. The corner of Brandon's lips quirked upwards at the ice mage's antics, and fortunately he wasn't the only one.

"Of course not David," He chuckled, "I trust your abilities. What I don't trust is the quest you are holding," David lifted the quest in his hands at Brandon's words.

"Why so Brandon?" Mario asked as he looked at the white-haired mage. The sky devil slayer hummed as he thought about the right words to use to explain his reasoning.

"It's just suspicious how this is only an island scouting quest, but it is labelled an S class when it could easily be an A or B class quest" Brandon shrugged, the surrounding others also seemed to take in his words and one by one gestured that they agreed that this island quest was a little fishy.

"Alright." David turned and stared at Mario in the eyes, "You wanna come with me, Pebbles?" Mario shrugged and seemed to think it over for a second before nodding at David's question.

"Also, stop calling me that."


"Can I come too?" The two looked at Blake, who was looking at the both of them expectantly. "Are you sure you want to-""Oh! Me too! Can I come too?" Inmo interrupted Mario as he came up behind Blake with a large smile on his face.

The twins watched as the two lower class mages try to make the other two take them along on their quest. While Blake's argument was valid as she needed experience since she hasn't gone on a quest before, Inmo's on the other hand....

"Because I want to?"

David sighed as he massaged his temple, annoyed, he glanced at his guild leaders for some assistance but just received a teasing grin and a small smile which made him groan. He looked back at the two that were still pestering him before looking at Mario, seemingly speaking without talking.

"Fine. You two can tag along," David dropped his arm back to his side but before the other two could celebrate, "But! You two have to be careful, it is an S class quest so don't go off on your own" Omg it's like I'm talking to toddlers.

As the other two nodded, David shooed them off to get ready for the quest.

"Well, have a fun quest you two, me and my brother are going back to the guild hall," Richie announced as they headed off back to the guild hall.


"This is going to be a disaster,"

"And probably the only time I'm going to say this, but I agree with you." David looked down at Plant, who was standing by his side.

"Come on Plant, I've got to pack, and then we'll drop you off with Lucas," David waved a hand to Mario as he also started heading towards his house. "Plant!"

"I'll see you at the docks, Pebbles!" David yelled back at the cavern dragon slayer before he turned the corner.


"Alright then, good luck" Lucas said as David was already departing from the two. "And be careful!" he reminded before the ice mage could get out of ear shot, which earned him a thumbs up from said mage as he headed towards the docks.


"So, anything you wanna do Plant?" Lucas looked at his adopted son in question, who just answered by a shrug and a shake of their head.

"Hm Ok, I'm sure we can figure out something,"


"Come on then," Lucas held out his hand, which Plant happily took as they both walked off to figure out what to possibly do.

(833 words)

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