Chapter 2 first day

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Jungkook- r older thn me...

Taehyung- o-ld r u?


Taehyung-okay...w-will u take care of taetae from now on?

Jungkook- yeah..okay bye..have a nice day..i mean night..

Taehyung- W-wait..(holds jungkook's wrist)

Jungkook-yeah what?( he says as he removed taehyung's hands frm his wrists)

Taehyung- what should taetae call u? jungkook...

Taehyung-oh..umm...can taetae call u um..d-daddy?

Jungkook-(widens his eyes) Huh...what why where how when?

Taehyung- P-pwease...

Jungkook- i-i'll tell u tmrw okay byee ( with that he ran away frm there)

Taehyung-(looks at jungkook's disappearing figure) He..he is sho beautiful...taetae want him....

Time skips(jk's pov)

I reached home and was greeted by my so called father.

father- money?

Jungkook-here(hands him the cheque) what did u did?

Jungkook-u got the money now let me have one peaceful night.

father- huh u must have done smthg wrong...i knew it u were a slut just look at--

Jungkook- ENOUGH

Father-huh whatever...

He left frm there and i went to my room i just layed on the bed and slept.

Next morning
I came to the same mansion i called my boss telling him that i wont work anymore he just said okay....why would anyone care abt me...and my father was sleeping so i just left a note for him saying that my shift will start early from now on...

i entered the mansion the guards let me...

I was walking towards the couch thn i saw a paper on the table...Oh must be the rules...he was talking about...i grab them and started reading them...

1- He do not like spicy food.

wtf do i have to cook also wow great...what a fcking life i have...

2- Do not make him cry.

huh y would i...or will i..? ahh fck it...

3-take him for a walk in garden.

yeah yeah y not...

4-Feed him by ur own hands by putting him on ur lap he doesnt like sitting on chair or anywhere.

What a king....

5-give him proper attention and do what he asks for...

ofc y not....(rolls his eyes)

6-He likes back rubbing,cheek caressing,back hug,cuddles,pecks,hair stroking...

So..?? wht should i do?

7-do not let him wake alone in the room he will start crying.

8- he is scared of dark,being alone.

9- He likes to sleep while cuddling smthg..

10- he will call u daddy let him call u that it makes him feel comfortable..

Little tae's wifey(Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now