Chapter 4

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At school the next day everyone asked me if I was alright. It seemed that someone told everyone in our group chat on Facebook that I had fallen off a horse the day before. It was nice to know that all my friends cared about me but I wished that they hadn't asked me so many questions. Even the teachers seemed concerned and curious about what had happened the day before(I really wish there hadn't been a purple bruise on my right cheek). Apart from that my day was alright; I got a good grade for my English essay and got full marks in a Maths test. It was when I got home that everything started going horribly wrong.


When I got home Mum and Dad where both silently waiting for me in the kitchen. I knew something was wrong because it was 3:15 now and Dad gets home at 5:00 and Mum gets home at 6:00.

"Helena." Mum said, breaking the silence," Me and your Dad have been talking and we've decided that it is too dangerous for you to go riding. I'm sorry but we can't risk losing you, not after what happened yesterday. I know you like going riding once a week but it is too risky for you to carry on. Maybe you could start modelling classes instead?".

It was then that reality hit me. No more riding, no more happiness, no more Hope.


I couldn't think straight. My whole mind was focused on the fact that I would never see Hope again. I heard my parents shouting at me but I didn't register what they were saying; I just feel to the floor and lay there crying. Huge sobs racked my body while tears streamed down my face like a river. My Dad tried to comfort but nothing would work. My Mum just walked away, out of the house, as if she didn't care, well, she probably didn't.

After what seemed like hours all my tears dried up and a feeling of numbness fell upon me. I felt nothing. Everything my Dad said to comfort me just washed over me. When my Dad asked me if I was OK I just shrugged my shoulders and looked away because I didn't know how I felt. I just felt nothing.


This went on for 2 weeks. My Dad tried everything to comfort me, he talked to me lots but nothing worked. I just felt nothing.

After 2 weeks Dad decided enough was enough. One day when I had come home from school Dad sat me and Mum down at the kitchen table to talk.

"Helena, I know that horse riding means a lot to you and that you dearly love Hope, even though you fell off him so I have decided that you are going to go horse riding again." Dad said.

I couldn't believe it. I could go riding again and see horses again, but most of all I could see Hope again.

My Mum wasn't so happy though.

"What?" Mum cried," How dare you go behind my back and sign her back up for horse riding lessons! You know that I didn't want her to carry on with horse riding lessons because I wanted her to start modelling lessons." Mum cried .

I gasped with shock. Mum hadn't cancelled my riding lessons because she thought they were too dangerous; she didn't want me to go riding anymore. My Mum had lied to me to get me into fashion. Anger rose inside in me and suddenly I lashed out at my Mum. I hit her face over and over again. My Mum tried to stop me hitting her but I couldn't. For 2 weeks I had been depressed because I thought I would never see horses again. A feeling of numbness had been torturing me for 2 weeks. My Mum had caused this because she wanted me to be like her. Anger was pouring out of me with each hit. Before I hurt my Mum anymore my Dad managed to drag me off my Mum. Anger was still pouring out of me but it was slowly going away and sadness was over coming me. Tears started running down my face and I couldn't look at my Mum anymore. I buried my face into my Dad's shoulder and I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

Author's note

I'm so so so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. It's been over a month since I updated. I'm so sorry everyone. You deserve so much better. Anyway it's the summer holidays now so hopefully I'll update more. Do you like the new front cover? Please comment if you do! Comment and vote please!   I hope you enjoyed the dramatic chapter. I'll update soon!

Goodbye everyone!


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