~chapter 2~

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Rosa's pov:

As me and Mrs Heelshire are just walking up the stairs she then starts talking. "We've had a number of potential nannies come through already but Brahms has rejected them all, they weren't nearly as young or pretty as yourself."

I just nod my head to show I was listening I also smile at her to show that I was thankful for the complement. "so how good are you at getting children up and dressed, and just keeping them entertained and cooking." Mrs Heelshire asks me as we reach the 3rd floor.

"Well as you know I have always lived in a adoption centre, so I would always help with the younger children, which is why I decided I wanted to work with children. And I always loved to cook as in Italy we always used to make homemade meals with the children."

I tell Mrs Heelshire as we get the a door, she just nod at me explain my life a little bit with a happy smile on her face, to which I take that as she is happy with me being Brahms's nanny I will just have to see if Brahms is happy with me being his nanny.

We walk into a children's room, most likely, Mrs Heelshire quickly gets Brahms changed into some pyjamas. "You'll wake him up at 7:00am each morning and help him get dressed."

I nod towards her and keep watching Mrs Heelshire to see what she wants me to do. "You will find his clean clothes behind you." She tells me as she puts Brahms under the covers.

I went over to the dresser and find him a new clean suit. Walking over to the bed I put the clothes at the end of the bed before walking over to the head of the bed so that I can show Mrs Heelshire that I will be able to wake Brahms up.

Kneeling down at the side of the bed, I speak clearly and loud but still polite and caring tone. "Brahms dear it is time to wake up." once I have finished my sentence I carefully set him up then change him out of his pyjamas and into the suit I had chosen for him.

Once I was done I pick him up and set him on my hip before turning to look at Mrs Heelshire to see that she is smiling at me. "Excellent work Miss Ricci I am impressed." She says to me as I give her Brahms as I am sure that she will miss him once they leave tomorrow.

She then starts to lead us into another room which has a lovely sofa and chair in the middle of the room. She walks over to the chair and sets Brahms on it. "Brahms has 3 hour lessons 5 days a week and I like to start off with reading him poetry. Might I ask you if you know any poetry Miss Ricci?"

"I think I know the poem Ulysses written by Alfred Lord Tennyson." I state to her as one of the poems that I was taught in school. "Now when you are reading to Brahms you must read in a clear and loud voice." Mrs Heelshire tells me as she looks at me.

So as I respond to her I answer in a clear loud voice, "Yes of course." "Excellent." She nods her head in approval. "Next is music appreciation." There was a small clink behind us, so we turn to look that Brahms had tilled over. "Brahms! You must sit up straight like a good little boy." Mrs Heelshire tells him while straightens him back up.

"Music Miss Ricci, I don't know how Brahms would live without. Of course he likes to listen to it lounder then I would like but... it gives him to must joy I don't want to take that away from him." She turns the vinyl player and classical music starts to blast through the room, as it was so loud it took some time for my ears to get used to the loudness.

After a few more seconds Mrs Heelshire turns off the music. "Would you like to join us for lunch Miss Ricci." She asks me making me smile kindly at her. "Thank you that would be lovely." I tell making her nod before picking up Brahms as we exit the room to go to the dinning room.

As we are all sitting down eating with Brahms at the head of the table. There was talk about how the Heelshire's were going on holiday something that haven't done since Brahms was born, this gave reason for them needing a nanny. I just told then that Brahms would be in safe hands while they were away, which seemed to take some stress of their shoulders.

Once lunch was done, Mrs Heelshire informed me that they don't waste any food and that they put into containers and put it in the big freezer at the back of the kitchen. After telling me that she told me that Mr Heelshire would explain the rest of my duties before picking up Brahms and leaving the kitchen.

Both Mr Heelshire and I went outside, once I had put my shoes on, to the garden to continue instructing my duties. "Now I'll show you the traps. We do our best to keep up with the house, by the way we don't use the fireplaces anymore." He began picking up traps and dumping them into the bag I was holding.

"May I ask why?" I was interested as surely they would get extremally cold. "Its a bit of a hazard." He saying giving me a kind smile "And regrettably, the last tradesman, we had actually, he managed to paint the windows closed." He chuckled at the thought while putting a rat in the bag.

After we have finished and are walking back to the house Mr Heelshire turns to me and says. "I know how this may look to you, Miss Ricci, and to be completely honest I am not sure how it came to this. Little by little and then all at once I suppose." He had this sad expression on his face. "What I am trying to say is that whatever it might look like on the outside, our son is here." Do you understand, Miss Ricci?"

I nod my head as we reach the steps to the house. "Yes sir I understand." I said with a knowing expression but still a sympathetic one on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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