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"Oh, I didn't know we were expecting... guests?"

When a melodic and soft voice came behind them, Harry and pretty much everyone was only able to flinch at the sudden closeness and well, not expecting to see someone living in here. Even when Dumbledore told them that Harry's answers and also questions laid in here, none of them thought much about it. They thought they would be finding another object or some kind of relict...

Not an overly good-looking young woman.

"Uhm, hi... Do you live in here?"

"Well, I'm standing in the garden of the house don't I?" Harry suddenly felt shy and blushed under the soft teasing of the woman, and she could only laugh gleefully as she looked at everyone briefly and frowned.

"All of you look so skinny... Come, I'll prepare more food!" suddenly she was behind the group and an invisible force, alongside the strength of the woman, had pushed all of them inside the soft looking and warm, enormous house. As soon as they entered, they were shocked to see many magical creatures and trinkets around, with many pictures of people they didn't really recognize. They stood there, not knowing what they were supposed to do when the woman appeared again behind Remus, startling him.

"Why are you all standing like that? Go on, feel at your home!"

"Are we sure that this is the strongest witch of centuries? She is too...

"kind and warm hearted..." The twins were indeed right, and Harry couldn't exactly blame them after... seeing the other pure-blood families. With all that luxury and power, came arrogancy and they always had to expect the worst. When Dumbledore said that the woman who lived in that house was the strongest of all and had the purest of bloods ever known, that was enough reason for them to fear her even before meeting. They were ready to have a full-blowm fight...

But all they were met with was cakes and a hell alot of food...

As if she was waiting for them to come.

"Hehe, sorry for the way I look! I just came back from a run and had to clean the pottery at the back of the house!" the woman said cheerfully as she sat down and urged everyone to eat with a soft smile, energetic even after being left breathless, which eased the tension and even Sirius, the ever questioning man, started to eat. The house and overall ambiance of it screamed wealth and power, and though it would usually irritate him, Sirius looked around to see many drawing and pictures some left-over food and slight drawings on the walls, drawing that mist have once belongt to a kid...

All the signs that there was people living in this house, happy and alive, full of hope and happiness. Perhaps children that was adored by the parents, played with the child and let them explore everything... So different than any other family he had seen, just what a kid trully deserved.

But there were two things that bugged him, made him feel... strange. What was the reason of you being so different? And why did you look so much like his friend James?

"Miss Y/N... If that's okay, I was meaning to ask a question..." he started after gulping his meat down and bowed his head in respect while wiping his mouth. You raised your head in confusion and gave him a nod.

"Oh, It's been a long time since I heard that name... Surely, Albus is the one who told you?" you smirked teasingly and Sirirus did the same back, as he wasn't used to hearing people use his first name. Daring, he thought while leaning back on his chair. The power that pours out of her is unique... Just what's your secret?

"Yes, indeed he did... I didn't know you two were close?"

Just like his ancestors, sneaky...

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