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An old book is slowly shown on a table surround by lit candles with dried up melted wax. On the book it shows of a story of 3 sisters who where witch's in a town called Salem called Hocus pocus as something magically moves underneath before the book opens its self.

Forest trees can be seen passing by as something flys over as the shadow is slowly seen as they fly over the land scape to a small built village with smoking chimneys as everyone still layed a sleep but one girl.

A girl of the age 17 is shown with her hair in two long loose braids as they hung over her low shoulder white puff shirt that is held in place by her black corset as she straitened out her brown skirt as one side was tied into a not as she wore white bloomers underneath as she was picking herbs from one of the gardens that she grew her name was Cecily. she was the light wiccan of the village since she used herbs and good magic to help those around her.

On the other side of the village a window of inside a log built house is shown with a young man of the age 17 is shown a sleep just as something wearing a dark purple cloak flashes past his window.

The young boy wakes up having been woken up by the spooked animals.he was breathing hard before leaning back against his pillow before turning just to see that his little sister Emily was not there"Emily? Emily!"he calls out her name worried.

He is then shown outside as dawn breaks through the sky as singing can be heard"come little children I'll take thee away"a women's voice is heard as he walks out the door of his home as he's neighbor Elijah is shown standing out side.

"Emily"he calls out as he walks through the grass as he looks around for his sister as the singing continues before he makes his wave over to Elijah "Elijah, Elijah! Has thee seen my sister Emily?" Thackeray asked his friend who just shakes his head "nay but look! They conjure"Elijah explains as he points a purple smoke brewing in the distance in the sky in the woods on the out skirts of the village as the two boys run off.

Cecily was kneeling on the ground picking some herbs when she saw her lover and his friend running to the gates of the village. She quickly runs over to see what was wrong before seeing the purple smoke in the sky before seeing little Emily following some one into the deep woods.

"Emily!"thackery yells for his sister as they stand there trying to think of a plan."now she's done for"Elijah says with dread.

Thackery and Cecily share a determined look before thackery grabs Elijah by the shoulder "not yet! You wake my father, some of the elders. Go"he ordered Elijah who did as he was told before thackery and Cecily head into the field as Emily is shown entering the woods"Emily!"they shouted as they run after her deep into the woods. 

As they run hoping over logs in there way they end up tripping over a root sticking out as they slide down a hill shouting as they get scratched and cut. Soon Cecily rolls to a stop as she lays on her back breathing heard. Thackery rushes over to his lover"is thee alright my love"he says as he helps her up with a groan.

"Yes"she says breathing heavily before both get up as they make there way through the woods to the Sanderson house where three old witches lived as they watch Emily follow the women to the house."come child" a women's voice is heard.

They slowly crawl through the thorn bushes as they try not to by me seen as they hide behind a tree watching a women's cackling is heard as Emily walks through the door before it shuts on her. Thackery glares at the door before grabbing Cecily's hand as they carefully hop along the larg rocks in the black river as the slowly walk up to the house.

Thackery opens the wood panel to the window as they peer in as three old witches were circling at Emily who  was sat on a chair. Emily turns to see them as her eyes slightly go wide as she sits still in fear as the women in red leans over slightly sniffing her"oh yes."as they continue to circle there victim.

Thackery looks at his sister worried "Emily"he slightly whispered catching the three women's attention as they snap their head to the window as Thackery and Cecily quietly move around the outside of the house just as the red head women pokes her head out the window while the two women wearing red and purple cloaks step out the doors making thackery gasp as he backs them up against wall of the house staying silent.

The red headed women looks at the sky with a disgusted look on her face"oh look. Another glorious morning it makes me sick."she spat out before leaning back into the house as she closed the window panels with a creak"sisters!"she calls them as they make there way back into the house.

While the three witches gather things they need for a spell thackery and Cecily use the watering wheel to get to the high window as they climb on. Once they reach the window thackery crawls through first before helping Cecily in. The crawl around the floor on the upper level of the house as they make the potion to take away Emily's life to make themselves young again.

As they goof around throwing dead man's toes at each other mary looks around suspicious as she smells a child as Thackery and Cecily quickly hide as they gasp  before she goes over to her sister Winnie"I smell a child"she says with a smile while Winnie smiles at her mockingly "nah, what does thou call that" winnie says pointing to the child im the chair.

Mary looks sheepish"a child?"she says as winnie hummed a huff before Soon they put in the last ingredients has the potion turns green meaning it was ready as they smile with excitement. Dread starts to feel Cecily they needed to do something fast.

Winnie had puts some of the potion on The wooden spoon she used to stir the cauldron as they make their way to the child"alright girl open up your mouth"she says as they go to make Emily drink it.

Thackery having had enough as he and Cecily stood up"no!"they shouted as the three women whirl around to see them as they all gasp. Sarah gaps holding her chest"a boy!" Completely ignoring the other girl beside him.

While her lover distracted the three witches  Cecily makes her way over to Emily before she shouts in agony as green electric bolts shoot through her as she falls to the ground hitting her head hard the last thing she heard before everything went dark was the love of her life calling out her name.

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