The cemetery and truth

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Max,Dani, Alison and Bix were shown in a cemetery as max sets down Cecily who groans holding her head before her eyes fluttered"uh what happened"she says groaning.

"Well you kind of fainted after binx talks as a cat"Dani says making Cecily sit up with a gasp before jumping back from the cat breathing heavily"thackaury "she asked as the cat gently rubs its head on her arm as tears build up in her eyes as she gently lifts up the cat"it is you"she says with a sob as the others smile softly at the little reunion.

"We need to keep moving but I need to show them what we are dealing with"thack says as the others were confused "wait what about the Sanderson sisters."Alison asked with fear.

"They can't step foot on hollow grounds but Cecily can since she is a good wiccan now come I most show you something "thack says jumping out Cecilys arms as they head to a tombstone that said billy butcherson.

"William butcherson lost soul"Max says reading the tombstone.

"Billy butcherson was winiferds lover but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle, so that he couldn't tell her secrets even in death "thack explains as Cecily nodded her head.

"Winiferd always was the jealous type "he adds before Alison put the pieces together"your thackaury binx and your Cecily his lover "she says remembering the story she read as Cecily smile gently nodding her head."so the legends are true"Alison says in shock.

"Well come along "thack says before they approached another tombstone as Cecily tears up at the name as she kneels down beside it as it said Emily binx. She remembers what happened that day as she wished she was stronger as she wipes away the tears as thack explains to the others on what happened.

She was broken out of her thoughts by Dani"nice going air head"she says to her brother who huffs "hey look I'm sorry okay"he says standing up from the ground "were talking about 3 ancient hags versus the 20th century how bad can it be"he asked.

Cecily and thack shared a look"bad"both say.

Alison was shown fixing to open her book"no don't"Cecily says rushing over closing the book as thack nod his head "she right don't stay out of there"

"Why"Alison asked them.

"It holds winiferds most dangerous spells she must not get it"thack explains

Max then walks over taking tye book before tossing it to the ground"let's torch the sucker "he says putting a lighter to it but no damage was done"it's protected by magic "thack says as max huffs closing the lighter.

Soon cackles can be heard above as they all whirl around seeing the Sanderson sisters up in the sky"it's just a bunch of hocus pocus"winny says with a cackle as Cecily moves the children behind her protectively.

"Sarah...Mary"winny says making her sisters spread out as Sarah lows down by max as she smiles "brave little virgin who lit the candle I'll be thy friend"Sarah Sanderson says a Alison grabs a tree limb before swinging it at Sarah"hey take a hike!"she says as Sarah yelps flying back up.

"Book come to mommy"winny says as the book lifts off before thack jumps onto of it with roar"friad not"he says.

Winny smiles"thackaury binx thou mangey feline still alive with Cecily"she says with a laugh.

Cecily glares at the witch who cursed them as she keeps the children behind her. Thack glares as he raised a paw"and waiting for you "he says with a glare.

"Oh thou has waited in vain and thou will fail to save thy friends just as thou failed to save thy sister "she says as thack hisses loudly as winny lowers.

"Quickly we must go grab the book!"Cecily says as max grabs the book as she pushed the children forward away from the witch with binx following them.

They run from one witch before freezing as another one was heading towards them before Cecily holds out a hand as she chants blinding them before hurrying the children along before they were right back by billy butchersons grave.

"They can't touch us here right"max asked.

"They can't only Cecily can since she is a good wiccan as Dani holds on to her brother "I don't like how you said the first part"she says with fear.

"Unfaithful lover long since dead. Deep asleep in my wormy bed wiggle Thu toes open thine eyes. Twist thy fingers towards the sky. Life is sweet be not shy. On Thu feet so sayeth I!"she chants out spell  before the ground and grave shakes around them as Cecily falls to the ground as binx rest up on Dani's shoulder as the shakeing soon stops as they were all breathing heavily before billy burst out of his grave sitting up looking towards the group who were wide eyed as they look at each other in shock before looking back at billy before they all scream as the scrambled up running away.

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