Chapter 2 - Freesmarters

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i'll make more character sheets when i feel like it. fuck you.

WARNING: gay people 🤯🤯🏳️‍🌈/j


"Welp, we should probably get to homeroom now, we're already late." Gaty said, taking off her roller skates and putting on her shoes. We walked into the room and saw a bunch of desks and people. "Gaty, you're late for class again. I would hate to tell Four about this.." The teacher said. "I was justtt showing the new kid around!" Gaty grabbed my arm and smiled brightly at the teacher. "Just sit down." Gaty nodded and sat in a seat in the back.

"Hello Saw! I'm Mx. X and I will be your homeroom teacher." "H-Hello." Mx. X then dragged me to the front of the class and made an announcement. "Class, I would like you to meet our newest student!" The teacher explained. "Umm.. Hi! My name is Saw and I recently moved here from Yoyleland." "Ew! That place is like the ghetto!" One of the students yelled out. Everyone started laughing at me which made me feel a bit sad. A few students weren't laughing.

"That's it Firey! Go to the principal's office!"

The student rolled his eyes and got up, bumping into me on his way out. "Okay Saw, you can sit next to Taco in the back. Taco, raise your hand." The person named 'Taco' raised her hand. I quickly sat down next to her and put my bag on my the back of my chair. "Hi Saw! It's nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too, Taco. So, uh, what do we do in homeroom? Do we make homes for the homeless or something?" Taco seemed a bit confused but answered away.

"In homeroom we mostly just talk and get ready for our classes of the day. Lemme see your schedule." I took out the paper from my bag and handed it to Taco. She made a noise of amusement and handed me back my paper. "All your classes are the same as Gaty's. You know Gaty right?" I nodded. "She bumped into me two times today and told me what the school bell was and what it was for."

Taco smirked. "Y'know, she is single." I choked on my spit. "What?! I barely know her! I just met her today! Besides, I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't be interested in me anyway." Taco cocked her eyebrow. "Really? Cause she's staring at you right now." I looked behind me to find Gaty staring at me from the back of the classroom. As soon as she saw me, she looked towards the window. "Maybe she just wants to get to know me better!"

"Mhm, and I'm straight." "That's nice.. wait are you implying that you're gay-" *RING* "Oh! That's the bell! See ya later Saw!" Taco said, quickly leaving the classroom. Gaty walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. "What class do you have next?" "Um, Taco said that we have the same classes, so can I just follow you?" Gaty nodded and started walking towards class.


It was finally lunchtime and I was staving. I didn't know people waited this long to eat. I would usually just go get a snack from my kitchen so this was new to me. I followed Gaty as we walked into the massive room. "Okay Saw, did you bring your own lunch?" I nodded. "Okay! Sit at a table and I'll meet ya there." I walked towards a random table in the middle of the cafeteria. I was only there for a few seconds when four girls came up to me.

"Um excuse me? You're, like, sitting at our table." The girl with short red hair said. "Oh, were you sitting here before I sat down?" The pink haired one scoffed. "No! But we sit here every day." "Well, I don't see your names on the table so anyone can sit here-" She slapped me, making me fall to the floor. "Listen here, bitch. I'll let you off with a warning. Leave this table before I fight you right here, right now."

I felt my body shake from fear and I quickly stood up and looked for Gaty. "Gaty!" "Saw, are you okay?" "Gaty! There were these mean girls, I think they tried to kill me!" Gaty put down her tray at a random table and I sat down next to her. "Woah woah woah, calm down Saw. What did they look like?" "There was one with pink hair and a grey headband and-" "Ohhh, I know who you're talking about." Gaty said.

"Those are the Freesmarters. They're like the mean girls of the school. The only mean ones are Match and Pencil, Bubble and Ruby are pretty nice." I nodded, understanding what she meant. Someone sat down next to Gaty and she waved to them. "Hi Lollipop!" The person waved back and started eating. "Oh! Lolli, this is Saw. Saw, this is Lollipop. We've been friends since middle school." I waved to the girl. She looked at me. "Did you know Gaty's single?-" "LOLLI!"

"Why does everyone tell me that?" Lollipop shrugged. "You just look like you'd be into her. Gaty's a lesbian by the way." Gaty glared at her. "Lollipop, I will fuck your mom again if you keep on talking!" Again? Did she really fuck her mom? "Gaty, did you actually fuck Lollipop's mom?" "..Shut up."


I was waiting for the last bell to ring. No one told me that school would be so slow. Gaty was sitting next to me, fidgeting with her chest a bit. I wonder why. She seemed a bit uncomfortable, that she wished something was there. I was about to ask her what was wrong but then the bell rang. I grabbed my bag and walked out the classroom, ready to take an after school nap when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw it was Pencil.

"Um, can I help you?" "So you think you can just beat up my girlfriend?!" I was extremely confused. "I'm sorry? I don't know what you're talking about." "You know exactly what I'm talking about! You beat up Match in the bathroom!" "I-I never did that!- Wait, you're gay?-" "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" I slowly backed away from her, trying to make my way to my brother's school.

"Listen Pencil, I never did that! I need to pick my brother from school-" "You're not going anywhere." Pencil stepped closer and punched me in the face. "Ow! What was that for?!" "That was for beating up my girlfriend!" "I already told you I didn't-" She slapped me. "I would beat you up more but I need to make sure Match is okay. Don't you ever put your dirty hands on her again, you here me!"

"I never put my hands on her, Pencil. This has got to be a misunderstanding!" "I'm telling everyone in school what you did." Pencil gave me one last glare before leaving. Well this isn't good..

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