Chapter 3 - The Picture

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oh and goiky is like the america of the world (history wise) anyways.. enjoy!


It's been about a week since Pencil threatened to tell the whole school that I beat Match up, and I've been kinda paranoid about things. I'm scared to walk to school by myself (Chainy has been meeting up with his classmates to work on a project early in the morning), I'm nervous about going to the bathroom- it's just a lot to deal with. Anyways, I was walking to school when someone stopped me.

"Hi Saw!" "Oh, hey Leafy!" They let go of my shoulder and handed me an invitation. "I'm having a sleepover on Saturday, and I wanted to know if you can make it!" "..Who's gonna be there?" "Tons of people! Like Lollipop, Book, just pretty much all of the Bleh members, some of the Losers, some people from the other school in our building-" I interrupted her. "Will Gaty be there?" They smirked at me. "Why? Do you like her or something~?"

I felt my face grow warm. Why? I have no idea. It was most likely from embarrassment. Yeah, embarrassment.. nothing else. Right? Whatever. "N-No! Stop mocking me! I just wanted to know b-because she's my best friend." Leafy rolled her eyes. "Sureee. It's starts at 5 pm. I'll introduce you to some of the people there. Cya!" They walked off, giggling to herself. Their definitely planning something.


I hate history class. Mostly because these books are inaccurate. In Yoyleland, Goiky was the ones who started the war of 1496. This is just straight lies. "Now class," Mx. 5 said, closing their history book. "I will be giving you a test next week monday," The whole class groaned. "Don't give me sass. It'll be about what you guys have been learning so far in this class so make sure you guys study all weekend!" The bell rang and everyone started to leave. Leafy seemed upset about this since her sleepover is Saturday.

When I walked out the classroom someone pulled me into a empty classroom. "WHAT THE-" "Shut the fuck up." "Match?! What are you doing?" She laughed at me. "Even though that's, like, none of your concern, I'm waiting for someone" "But why did you pull me in here?" She rolled her eyes. "That's also none of your, like, business." "Um, it kinda is. I mean, I'm in here with you so shouldn't I know why I'm in here?" She groaned. "Just, like, shut up." "Maybe I won't shut up. What are you gonna do then?"

She looked towards the window and back at me. "This." She made me pin her against the wall and kiss her. I immediately let go. "Match, what the fuck was that? Aren't you with Pencil? I so fucking confused-" "Listen Saw, you should be, like, grateful that my lips even touched yours. Besides, I already, like, got what I needed." "Well I don't feel very gEIGHT." She rolled her eyes. "Stop, like, saying eight. It's getting, like, super old."

"I'll stop saying 'EIGHT' when you stop saying 'like'." She scoffed at me. "No!" "Just gEIGHT." "Ugh, here you go again with that stupid, like, thing you do. I don't have, like, time for this." She walked out the classroom, flipping me off as she left. ..I should've never came to this school. There's already so much drama. I sighed and left the classroom.


I was eating lunch with Gaty and the rest of Bleh when someone dragged me to the bathroom. Why do people keep doing that? "Saw, what did you do?!" The girl shook my shoulders frantically. "Woah- Slow down. What happened Leafy?" She took a deep breath. "Why is there a photo of you kissing Match?! Pencil's gonna kill you!" I cocked my eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Leafy pulled out a photo from her pocket. It was a picture of me and Match kissing in the classroom.

"What kinda Gacha shit is this?" I mumbled. "Why would you do that Saw?!" "She forced me! I didn't even know what was happening at the time! I don't even like her." Leafy sighed, and ripped up the picture. "We need to get rid of all of these. No one has seen these yet since they were put up during lunch. Are you okay with not eating for today?" "Um.. okay." "Okay, let's get started. This might take the whole period."

Me and Leafy spent the rest of the lunch period taking down the pictures. "Okay, I think this is the last one." Leafy said, tearing it. "Hopefully Match didn't have an extra photo on her." I sighed. "That would be bad-" "SAWWW!!" I turned around to see Pencil. Gaty was behind Pencil trying to get her to stop. "Pencil! What are you doing? Saw hasn't done anything to you!" "That's what you think you stupid bitch."

Pencil ran over to me in a matter of seconds that I didn't even have time to reaction. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "I didn't do anything!" Pencil grabbed my shirt and held me off of the ground. "Why did you kiss Match?!" "I was forced! She made me-" "I don't wanna here your bullshit! Stop harassing her!" "I never harassed her Pencil! Please believe me!" By now there was a crowd around us.

"You're only saying that to save your skin! I know what you really did!" "N-No! I swear I didn't-" "SHUT UP!" She threw me to the floor. "Ouch.." "I'm gonna enjoy this." She started punching me all over my face, breaking my noise in the process. She slammed my head into a locker and threw me down again, still kicking and hitting me. I felt like I was gonna pass out from the pain.

Pencil eventually stopped, standing up once again. "I will make your life a living hell, Saw. Do not test me." She walked off and the crowd started to leave. Gaty ran up to me saying something that I couldn't understand or hear. I was fading in and out of consciousness. Gaty started to cry. I felt to tired to keep up with her. I started to slowly close my eyes as I felt someone pick me up. Then it all went black.

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