Chapter 1

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"(Y/n), get up! Come on, we gotta go, I have work to do!" Jack waited outside of my bedroom, impatient.

"Coming!" I yelled back, fumbling to get shoes on. I wish I woke up earlier. Oh well, it is what it is. "I don't get why I have to come with you EVERY day. What am I gonna do, blow up the apartment? I know how to cook," I complained, walking past Jack towards the kitchen.

"I would let you stay here alone, if we weren't most likely being hunted by Wolfe. Seriously, kid, I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Jack followed me, popping two pieces of bread into the toaster. "He would do a lot of things to get me back, including kidnapping."

"I know, I know, you can protect me better when we both know what's going on," I grumbled as I took my piece of toast out of the toaster to put butter on it.

"Exactly. Now hurry up, the taxi won't drive itself."

"Not here, anyway," I replied under my breath, grabbing my iPod and earbuds. I still haven't told Jack about my otherworldly origins. I don't think I ever will, and besides. It's not like he'd believe me.


Walking up to the taxi lot, I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. Something bad was about to happen.

"Hey you guys gotta move this thing, I gotta go," Jack said to the people in the black car blocking our taxi from leaving.

 "Jack! Don't return phone calls anymore?" A big burly man stepped out of a black car that was blocking us from leaving.

"Mr. Wolfe thinks you're being rude." Another intimidating man walked up to Jack.

"(Y/n), get in the car," Jack told me while staring down the second man. "Tell Wolfe that when I said it was the last time, I meant it."

Getting in the car, I started to panic. Are they going to hurt us? Why is Wolfe taking an interest in us all of a sudden? Deciding that freaking out isn't going to help, I popped my ear buds in and turned on my music. Thankfully I have something to calm me down when my anxiety acts up. I jumped as Jack slammed the guys' heads onto the front of the cab. So much for not panicking. Jack opened the car door as a cop car drove up.

"Hey!" The two guys turned around. "What are you doing? Are you insane? Now move this thing outta the taxi zone before I give you a ticket!" The cop yells at them, just in time. Who knows what they would have done.

"See you soon, Jackie." Huh. I think that was a threat. Oh hello anxiety, when did you get here? They pulled out of our way and we pulled out onto the road.


Not even out of the taxi lot, Jack looks in the mirror and slams on the brakes.

"What the hell, Jack?!" I complained, rubbing where the seat belt was tight. I looked over at him, but he was looking in the back seat.

"Wha- Where'd you come from?" He stuttered, in shock.

"Outside," an oddly familiar voice replied. I looked over to the back seat to see what was going on. My eyes immediately went wide, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Seth?! Sara?!"

AN: First chapter!! Let me know what you guys think, I love this movie and I hope I can do it justice.

~ Ghostie👻

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