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After having a great time at the bowling alley, Tiffany decided to come back to my dorm to hang out. It wasn't that late, it was only 9 p.m. and we both had afternoon classes on Wednesdays. I was just happy to spend more time with her, especially after we both confessed to each other. I could literally jump for joy right now. I'm not sure if she knew I was the happiest man right now.

As we walk into my living room, I made sure to lock the door while I took off my shoes by the door. She copied me, placing her smaller shoes next to mine. I stretched, remembering that I played a game today. I wonder if I smelled to her. I pressed my lips together.

"Tif, do you mind if I took a quick shower?" I asked turning my body stiffly to her. She raised a brow at me but shook her head with a soft smile.

"Do what you have to do," I half smiled at her.

"Alright, make yourself at home," I replied, as my stomach twisted. I ignored it, as I spoke again. "Did you want to make that peach cobbler?" With a grab of her hand, I led her to the small kitchen while she says sure. I let her soft hand go and opened the fridge, then made a face as my stomach bubbled. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten that salad. I thought rubbing my stomach and closing the freezer. Tiffany's knowing chuckle came from behind me.

"Next time listen to me. I tried to warn you. Now you're going to poop yourself out of a dorm," She teased me. I groaned with a slight pout standing straight. She simply smiled cheekily at me.

"How could you tell?" I asked curiously.

"You never touch your stomach, so I just assumed something was up. But now you just confirmed it," She giggled softly. I smirked at her.

"So you're a performer and detective?" I grabbed her hand again, gently twirling her. She laughs softly, leaning into me with a small smile. She put her arms around my waist, then places her chin on my chest. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes, hypnotizing me. I could kiss her. Did she want me to? Probably not. I licked my lips slightly looking at her as she spoke gently.

"Thank you," My eyebrows went together as I rested my hands on her waist as well.

"For what?" I asked just as softly.

"Making me feel special? I dunno, it's silly, but I appreciate how much you genuinely care about me. I'm happy I met you," She blushed looking away from my eyes and rested her cheek on my chest. I smiled softly, my heart fluttering. I pulled her close to me and kissed her head.

"You are special to me. I'll do anything and everything to make sure that feeling always stays," She hummed at that, then pulled back slightly, looking up at me. I tucked the usual piece of hair behind her ear as she looked shy. Before I could say anything else, my stomach and my ass suddenly started to communicate with each other. I grabbed my stomach.

"Ahh," I groaned. "I gotta go," I stated, she laughed loudly, probably at my comical expression. She pulled back.

"Ok, I'll put the cobbler in the oven. I'm surprised you and Mary didn't eat it," I scoffed at that. Mary totally ruined the vibe that night and almost killed it today. I wasn't sure if I should talk to her about it or not.

"I bought it for us," I moved backward as I talk. "If she really wants one, she can buy one herself," She smirked at me. "I'll be back," I winked at her, before walking off quickly to the bathroom. Once there, the floodgates opened, and I felt relief. After, I showered, and put on sweats and a regular shirt before I walked into the delicious-smelling living room. Tiffany was curled on the couch writing in a notebook. She looked up and blushed pulling the notebook to her chest.

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