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Once at Pizza Hut, we were told to sit at a booth. There were only a couple of other people in the building. One group of three was already eating their pizza, while the others were eating their appetizers.

I was sitting next to Shay, across from Anthony, who sat next to Mary. One look at her and I instantly thought she was pretty. She looked poised and confident. She could definitely be with Anthony, they would make a cute couple. Though, he seemed to not pay her much mind, even when she openly flirted with him. He just kind of brushed it off.

"Can I get sweet tea please?" Anthony looked at the waitress after we ordered our drinks before him. As she walked away, I watched Mary show him something on his phone. He chuckled softly. She smiled leaning on him.

Maybe they are having sex. That wouldn't be uncommon. That thought was out the window slightly when he moved slightly, making her move away from him. He scratched his head, then we made eye contact.

Oops, I've been caught. I pressed my lips together in that awkward smile everybody does. He chuckled before he spoke.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," He stood.

"Ok," We all responded to him. I watched him walk away, before looking at Mary. She put her phone down, flipped her hair, then looked at Shay and I.

"So, are y'all really not dating? You know how some niggas are," Shay said in a hushed tone. I looked at her, then at Mary. I didn't think Anthony was a liar.

"No, we're not, but I wouldn't mind. I don't usually do the girlfriend thing, but he's hot," She half smiled. My eyebrows rose.

"So you like him?" I asked curiously. I mean, I figured that's why she called him "Best Friend" all the time.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to get him naked this whole time," She pouted slouching. "But he's a good boy and won't touch me." She crossed her arms causing Shay to laugh. That sounded more lustful than crushful to me, but hey, who am I to judge? If she says she likes him then, I guess she likes him. I stayed silent as Shay responded.

"Oh really? That's weird, I thought he would be a hoe,"

"Nope, he's a super saint, well, he was in a relationship with my friend for like a semester, then they broke up. She's still sprung though," Mary said.

"Wait, does she know you like him?" I asked shocked she liked her friend's ex.

"Yeah, she told me to go for it. Plus this isn't middle school, you can't claim people. I'm a firm believer that you can't help who you like," She said and I nodded, agreeing with her last statement. "But Anthony can learn to love me," She added, making me shake my head with a laugh and Shay giggled.

"Maybe I can see what type of girls he's into," Shay nudged me. I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to date anyone right now," I countered.

"Not even like fucking though? Like come on," Mary threw her hands up dramatically. "I throw out hints all the time!"

"Do you think it's possible he only sees you as a literal "best friend" and wouldn't want to cross that line?" I asked curiously. She looked thoughtful, then made a smug face.

"Well, we kissed at a party once," Shay and my eyes went wide.

"GIRL!" Shay practically screamed. Mary smirked at our reaction. Wow, Anthony doesn't even act like they have kissed. Maybe that means that he knows he doesn't like her then. I keep my mouth shut, I'm not gonna tell her that.

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