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On the night of the gala night.......

Silas stands in my doorway, and I can hardly believe what he's saying.

"Will you be my date for the gala?", he looks nervous.

Silas De Luca and nervous? Damn-

"What happened to Sofia?", I asked him my eyes widening even more.

"She can't make it. She came down with bad case of food poisoning", he shrugs.


uh that's weird.

"Oh still.... I'm not sure it's a good idea for me to take her place"

" Don't you think Sofia wouldn't like it?".

"It's was her idea actually".

"You're joking", I gape at him.

"She said you'd know what to do, since you helped her prepare. And it was 'uncouth' for De Luca Enterprise to have an empty seat at the table.

I feel a fluttering in my chest that feels a lot like hope, but.....

"What about the boys? We can't leave Seb and Sam by themselves", i asked getting concerned.

"Carter already said he can help keeping an eye on them".

"Okay but...."

My mind races to come up with another reason, yet I can't.... But somewhere deep down, I know there's no turning back if i give in.

So.... taking a deep breath,

"Silas I'd love to be your date tonight", i shyly look away.

whatthefreak your shy for bitch?

"Really?", he asked surprised.

"Hell yeah! Or something more appropriate for a fancy gala.... Most delightedly?",

"Honestly, I don't care if you're
'appropriate' or not. I'm just glad you'll be there", he smiles at me.

"So....what exactly does one wear to a fancy event like this?".

At this he looks around scratching his stubble and says.

"Funny you should ask..... I thought it'd be nice if we match".

Silas presents me with a stunning pastel blue gown that sparkles as it catches the light.

Omg.... I'm in love.....

with the dress DUHH!!

"It's beautiful", i whisper looking at the dress in aww.

Still feeling Silas's eyes on me i look up and found him already looking at me with a small smile but I can tell how nervous he was.

"You're beautiful. Doens't matter what ever you wear. But I do think you would look particularly stunning in this".

"And I will be taking this dress off you later".

Silas flashes me a mischievous grin before excusing himself giving me privacy to change.

I turn and look at the beautiful dress lying on my bed.

"If I'm going to be Silas's date tonight, i should go all in".

Thank god that i already washed my hair this morning and thanks to Faye for booking us spa appointment earlier and i got myself all waxed my vaga is all waxed and clean too.

Forbidden Temptress (book 1 in The Nanny Affairs) Where stories live. Discover now