Come back here

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In the office, David was sitting in the faculty rizzing up the employees when Akari walked passed them. He quickly left the conversation with the employee and walked towards Akari. He's been trying too woo her ever since she came here but she didn't respond in the most positive ways. How'd she react well she kicked him in the nuts.

This was what Samantha had told her to do when he tried talking to her and it's been working really well for him these passed weeks. Seeing him follow her , she walked faster and entered her office before he could say anything. Leaning on her door as she sighed in relief, Akari went and sat on her desk and turned on her laptop.

It's been 6 weeks since she first arrived here and it's been going really well. Except that David constantly trying to rizz her up but it's been well. She's gotten closer to the only class she has which is the SSS class.

They're much more trustful to each other and she now  sees no reason to  teach them. Then she got advice from Heather.

Flashback nojustu.

Akari was sitting in the teachers lounge drinking some coffee with them. When she decided to vent her worries. This is how she responded.

" You know that trust has many forms Akari. A person can trust you but  until you check you won't know how far they trust you. You'll never know. Now use those words and think about,  what really is the Trust class"

She wishes she could turn those words into a shirt or something. Yet she thought it would be really cringe if she did. So she started researching on ways a person can earn another person's trust. But remembering that her students were the hope of the world she did a few tweaks to her plan. Now that she had the blue print she was ready to implement it into her classes.

Back with in the forest we see Cyrene staring at her opponent. She was trembling a bit but it went unnoticed to the Oni. Even though she grew in strength she was still scared of a lot of stuff. She held the hilt of her sword tightly as she took a deep breath.

' alright I got this. I can win this. I'm strong' She told herself.

Hers shone brightly,  blinding the Oni temporarily. She used this to her advantage, blitzing towards it and slashing it throat cleaning. The Onis head fell to the ground and blood spewed out wildly. She jumped happily and clapped her hands in excitement.

" I did it! Yes!!!" She shouted.

" Well here are your next opponents Cyrene. I hope you're ready"

Her face instantly turned pale as she looked at the blue and red Onis walking out the portal. She frowned and got ready to fight them.

' I guess I have no choice but to fight. ' She thought.

Cyrenes eyes glowed brighter as her hair started to rise a bit. She vanished from sight,  making the Onis look around in confusion. Yet Cyrene suddenly appeared infront of them and cut the blue onis face making it scream in pain. She kicked it in the chest and put light on her blade turning it hot, she sliced the other Onis hands.

She did this all while still in the air. Kicking its head to the floor.


She landed on its head and stabbed it which instantly killed it plus it started to cook its brains as she left her sword on inside its head. The other Oni which was kicked away stood up and saw Cyrene walking towards it. When it was about to move she appeared infront of it and turned made a light Saber and cut the Oni in half. It's top half fell to the ground while the other fell on its knees and down.

She had a cold face while she did this. Cyrene called her sword back , and it appeared back in her hand. She held both blades as another portal opened yet this one was bigger than the one from before. A hoard of Onis ran out the portal. Breaking all the trees in their way as they ran towards her. She sighed and held her blades in an X form. Her figure dissappeared from sight.

Cyrene threw her Saber which impaled all the Onis in its way. While with her sword she started to slice and dice them. Seeing the her first slice and dice victim running towards her, she quickly cut it before it could think.

She dodged a punch and cut its torso open and left it like that. Running to the other ones and swinging at the all of them with accuracy,  all of her moves were graceful and powerful. She wasn't filled with rage or anger. She was just calmed minded.

When she was done killing all of them she thought that maybe she could finally rest and think of her next move but Samantha busted her bubble. Many other Onis marched at her. They had weapons from all shaped and sizes. She didn't really care but got ready to fight them.

With Grace who also had a Oni to fight. She held her staff which some would think she was just a healer but they'd be wrong. Grace was no proficient in fighting techniques and killing techniques. She learned the fighting ones in the day but when the night comes,  she trained in killing techniques. Plus all the healing she did to her teammates boosted her strength and speed. She also memorized all the cells in a person's body. So basically Grace was a pro in any races weak spots. One of the reasons why she was the scariest heroine.

She tapped her staff on the ground,  all the grass grew taller till a person couldn't see what was infront of him. The Oni looked around for any sight of Grace. With its huge teeth poking out its mouth. The Oni walked around the field of Grace blindly, not knowing what was in stored for him. She appeared behind the Oni and used her death magic. The Oni froze the next second as it slowly turned black then its crumbled into dust that flew with the wind.

' That was easy. Let Remove this Grass so I can fight fair and square' She thought.

Slowly the Grass began to die and made the whole place clear again. Now she stood infront of two Onis who looked really angry. She backed away,  getting some distance from them. Her smirk turned cold and she started getting into a fighting stance which was in her Killing list.

Her green eyes flashed making the Onis feel fear from them. For the first time in their lives they felt fear and instinct told them to run. And that's what they did.

' Come back here little ones'she thought.

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