Chapter 2

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Jason wanted to get the fuck out of here. But he knew there was no escaping. He'd already tried everything he could think of, and he wasn't able to shift back to his human form anymore, due to the shift blocking chip in his neck.

He doesn't know how long he's been trapped in the illegal underground shifter fighting joint, but he knew for a fact that it was a long time because of his physical state. Huge matts, dirt, and blood coated his long and no longer healthy or shiny smooth dark russet and black fur coat, his bones were almost sticking out of his wounded skin, and he was sick from his gashes, bites, and the other nasty injuries that the guards would give him when they would abuse him, or force into their training.

It's been so long that he forgot his pack, his pack bonds were gone, and he didn't know anything about himself, except that his name was Jason. No middle or last name.

Just Jason.

The guards all called him names, but his fighting name was Roulette, due to his fur color.

Jason was the oldest shifter here, having been in this particular ring longer than the other hundred shifters that were here. He's been here since the beginning, and all of the other shifters hated him. Jason was smarter, faster, stronger, more intelligent, and more patient than the others, and he brutally took down everyone that fought him in the ring, no matter who they were and what they were.

He didn't care. Jason had been trained and taught to fight to kill, and to do it fast. Otherwise, he got punishment. He got punishment whether he won or not, but he learned the hard way to be better than anyone else.

Either be the best or die.

Jason only wanted out of the place.

The feral wolf lifted his head when he caught scent of a new wolf being led toward his kennel. Jason watched as two men forcibly dragged a large and bulky russet and black wolf that looked just like him that was fighting their every move, twisting, growling, snarling, and barking. He could see the anger and determination in his dark brown eyes, and then the shock and recognition mixing when the brown gaze met Jason's amber gaze, and Jason just stared at him in pure hostility, his ears pinned back. Jason's left ear was shredded, and the right one had a little bit of shredding on it. Across his face was a nasty wound from a tigers claws being harshly raked across his face a while back, about 7 fights ago. The wound hadn't been treated, so the 4 long and deep gashes were scarring nastily and was still healing, also very infected.

That same tiger was now dead and was somewhere unknown to Jason, who didn't care.

Jason watched as one of the men came up to his kennel with a cattle prod, ready to hold the gate open when the other man got close enough. Narrowing his amber eyes, which were locked with the guard's green gaze, Jason slowly stood and had a low and warning growl rumbling from deep in his throat, his head low and eyes glittering in anger, hunger, exhaustion, hostility, and enrage, threats being made clear from the russet and black wolf. The guard sneered at him. "Oh, don't worry you filthy mutt. You'll be out in the ring real soon, and you'll have plenty to take your little fit out on, trust me." He said, coming closer and opening the gate with a cruel grin.

The moment the gate was unlocked, Jason lunged for the man, claws and jaws glistening, and was lucky when the guard startled and stepped back on instinct. Jason tackled him to the ground and clamped his jaws around his neck, instantly killing him, then started sprinting for where he knew the exit was, not caring that the new wolf was right behind him. He knew the other wolf was only wanting out of here, too. The guard shouted angrily and started running after them, but Jason used his speed and silently wove through the long halls and kennels of every animal shifter you could think of, all of them going absolutely ballistic at Jason being free and running.

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