Chapter 3

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To say that Tony was angry...

...that would be a serious understatement.

Tony was beyond homicidal, and that wasn't even accounting for the stress and worry that he was feeling as he groomed his missing son, his tongue raking over the younger wolf's matted and gross fur. He was sick to the stomach when he found all of Jason's wounds, especially the one across his face that was severely infected. Tony could smell the infection and sickness that was practically radiating off of his pup, and he was enraged at his condition.

But he was most worried about his eye color. Jason's eyes used to be a gorgeous teal, even in his wolf form, but now they were a pretty amber.

An amber eyed shifter meant a feral incurable shifter. Feral meant wild, all memories lost and pack bonds broken, aggressive, and dangerous. And Tony had been told that once a shifters eyes turn amber, then they couldn't be helped and that there was nothing anyone could do to try to turn them back to who they were before they went feral.

Tony knew that Jason had been kept in his wolf shift since he went missing while out on a date with Roy. Roy had been taken too, but to a different place that just happened to be in New York and had managed to be rescued quickly. Jason on the other hand, had vanished without a trace, and Tony hadn't thought to put a tracker on him in case something exactly like this happened. Right now, Jason and Tony were in Texas, and he had been kidnapped while out for a walk, due to Steve forcing him to take a break from looking for Jason and letting someone else look while he got something to eat.

That's how he got kidnapped. He didn't know if the other Avengers were looking for him yet or not, but Tony didn't think he was going to be able to get out of here with Jason any time soon. Not while his pup was in this condition.

Tony knew that Jason was not the type of person to give up on anything, but the way that he had turned away from the open kennel door -which was still open- told him that the pup had tried everything to get out and failed, and that he was done trying to get out. The acceptance of his fate, knowing that there was genuinely no way out and that he was forever stuck here had hurt Tony so much that he wanted to cry. His heart was already pouring for his unconscious puppy, who looked so broken and defeated that Tony had basically tasted his pup's emotions.

He was out for blood.

So, Tony simply curled himself around his puppy protectively, running his tongue over his help needing fur and working on trying to get the matts off while being cautious of the injuries he had discovered. The bodies of the guards lay piled up behind them, and the other shifters were going crazy.

All Stark had to do was find a way to get the Avengers here so that they could be rescued.

It was too long before the Avengers finally found them. Jason was definitely too far feral now, and Tony was starting to be close to almost completely feral, his dark brown eyes a light bronze color now.

Jason had given up on trying to keep Tony away from him and now tolerated him to a certain degree, since Tony constantly saved Jason from getting punishments. Tony protected Jason to the best of his ability, and in return Jason was more civil to the wolf and let him groom him whenever he wanted to. After Tony had killed the guards, he and Jason had been moved to a more isolated and smaller kennel that was in a padded room that the warden of the place would freeze them for hours on end in or make it extremely hot.

Tony and Jason were given no mercy compared to the other shifters. Tony was skinny and nastily injured, sick, and had pretty much given up on the Avengers rescuing them a long time ago. His fur was matted a bit, thick with dirt and dried blood, and he had a lot of wounds on him that needed medical attention.

Jason, however, was so much worse. Tony's pup was so sick and weak that he wasn't able to stand up anymore, his body barely able to move on it's own. His breathing was wet and labored and sounded like he was fighting to force his lungs to work, and mostly slept lately. His stomach was dangerously small, his bones were almost splitting through his matted and flea infested fur and skin, and he was constantly whining and whimpering in pain. Tony couldn't do anything to help him, and it was breaking his heart and scaring him.

Tony curled around his son protectively, wishing that there was something he could do.

But there wasn't.

Completely heartbroken and full of despair, Tony tilted his head back and let out a loud, long and sorrowful howl, his pain, hurt, exhaustion, hunger, defeat, misery and depression, despair and desperation making the song sound eerie and broken. As he started howling over and over, the room started to grow instantly cold and freeze.

Jason's breath hitched, and it dawned on Tony that Jason might not be able to survive the cold punishment this time. Angry and desperate, Tony cut the howl and started barking while trying his best to keep Jason warm, and it wasn't long before one of the guards entered the room with a dart gun in his hand. Tony's eyes narrowed, this wouldn't help him or Jason, and yelped in pain when the sharp dart hit his neck, seconds later another dart hitting his pup.

Tony felt Jason's breathing stutter and hitch as the guard started walking away, and as the drugs were rushing through his veins Tony let out an ear piercing howl of distress and heartbreak, which led to him getting shot with more darts.

Tony put his head on his puppy's neck, feeling his heart forcibly slow down and everything went black just as the door was thrown open and the guard killed.

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