Part 7

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Y/n pov
I walk into class with ariana, Meghan and adara. I wonder where is alesa and Ashley? Me and the girls sit down and talk." Where's alesa and Ashley?" I asked them." No f*cking way" ariana says. I look at where she's looking at and see alesa and Ashley walking in with team craft!!!!! And not only that they are holding sky and Mitches hands. " hey losers" alesa says laughing at us." Um alesa, Ashley why are you with these f*ckers" Meghan said." They told us that you only help us to be popular, why would we be friends with people who used us" Ashley says. Then they go sit down." I can believe they think we help them just to be popular!!!" I said mad. I look over at them and see them laughing. " ya, y/n is ugly and such a loser" sky said laughing. Maybe they are right. Maybe I am ugly and a loser. Why would Preston even date me. I get up and run away.

Ariana pov
" Y/N WAIT!!!!!" Meghan yells chasing her." What a crybaby" Mitch says laughing. THATS IT!!!!!. I grab a frying pan out of my backpack and walk up to them( yup frying pan in my backpack). " WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO Y/N!!!!!!" I yell at them." She is a loser, that's why" Ian said. I hit him in the head with the frying pan " WHY DO YOU CALL US LOSERS, THAT DOSN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!" I yell "AND ALESA, ASHLEY WE DON'T CARE ABOUT BEING POPULAR!!!!". I start transform. "WHAT THE F*CK!!!" Sky yells. I look up at him. I am in my wolf form. In my wolf I have black fur with a blue lighting mark on the side of my body( like bolt)." YOU ARE A F*CKING FREAK!!!!" Quentin yells. "HEY!!!!" I turn around and see y/n and Meghan. Oh no. Y/n is a alpha wolf. When you mess with her you can die.
Y/n pov
I transform into my wolf form. My wolf form is different. I have f/c fur and a 2f/c lighting bolt on the side of my body. I pounced at sky." GET THIS B*TCH OFF ME!!!" He yells. I get pulled off of sky by someone. I try to attack the person who pulled me off but I couldn't. It was Preston. I look at him. I saw sadness in his eyes. I transform back into my human form. Don't worry I still have my clothes on. I see the rest of the guys. I look over at ariana and see her in human form. " y/n I didn't know you were a werewolf" Preston says. I start to cry. He must hate me now." If you breakup with me I understand." I tell him." I would never break up with you human or not" Preston says hugging me. " me too" Lachlan says kissing ariana." ARE YOU INSANE!!!" Jerome yells ruining the moment." I love y/n, I would never breakup with her." Preston says." Um y/n, ariana we have something to tell you" Meghan says" we are vampires". Cool the whole vampire vs werewolves are fake. In fact we are best friends." That's awesome!!" Ariana says." Cool I get to date a vampire" rob says hugging Meghan." Me too" vikk says.( well looks like we have some fantasy creatures now!!! I hope you guys like this part:) )

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