The Beginning

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The journey from Liverpool back to London was a drive Sophie absolutely hated doing because it was so draining, but she had chose to study in London so this was her own fault.

She had gone back to Liverpool for the Christmas break to see her family, but now was the next term and she had to return no matter how much she hated it.

She didn't hate the course or the university, in fact she loved it, and the friends she made, but she hated travelling. Especially having to say bye to her 7 year old nephew Callum, who would cry each time she left.

The only thing stopping her from crying as she drove was knowing she was going out drinking with her house mates tonight to celebrate them reuniting again. Georgia and Charlotte both lived far away from each other, and even further away from Sophie, so tonight was to make up for the last month they had missed with one another.

Soph had the best outfit for tonight, a dark blue mesh lantern sleeve bodycon dress. It hugged her body perfectly, as sat midway up her thigh, not showing too much but just enough. She hadn't been in a relationship in 2 years, in fact she hadn't been with anyone since Tom cheated on her. Whenever she would go out, boys would come up to her but she shoved them away not interested in anything apart from getting drunk and enjoying herself.

However being back at home, things changed, she wanted to stop dwelling on the past, and that is exactly what she was going to do tonight. Tonight was labelled '' mission find soph a man'', thanks to Charlotte's very 'creative' way of words.


Pulling up at their home which she had now called for 4 months, she grabbed her bag pulling out the house keys and going through the door to be welcomed by Georgia, who was in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of wine at 2 in the afternoon. Pre drinks start early.

'' Soph!'' she shouts as she runs to her, throwing her arms around soph as they embrace in a hug. '' are you ready for tonight''

'' yes, you seem more excited than me'' Sophie laughs nodding her head towards the cheap wine glass and wine.

'' I'm very excited. Cant wait to forget tonight and for you to finally break your spell''

'' we shall see. Where is Charlotte?''

'' She said she was half an hour away and is bringing food with her''

'' she is a life saver''

'' do you want a drink?''

'' always''


Sophie's POV


Since we had been drinking since 2pm, we were slightly drunk, Charlotte was definitely, but Georgia and I could hold our drinks. Thankfully after giving Charlotte some water and food, she began to sober up a little so we would be allowed in the club.

We waited in the line for a little while before the security finally let us in after checking our ID's, heading straight to the bar to order our drinks.

The club was completely full, people everywhere, the dancefloor full of people dancing to music, drinks getting spilt on the floor and on peoples clothes.

As soon as we got to the floor, someone had spilt some of their drink on Georgia's hair, which made me and Charlotte laugh. Georgia was small, 4 foot 10 to be exact, so she was difficult to see in a crowd, and was at a level for drink spillages.

My hair had thankfully stayed in tacked. I had curled it slightly, letting it sit on my shoulders. My make up took ages but I was proud, I had done a subtle blue eyeshadow wing to match with the dress. I was ready, we all were.

I went to get another drink from the bar, pushing though the crowd, trying not to fall over or get hurt.

'' CAN I HAVE A DOUBLE VODKA AND COKE PLEASE'' I shouted to the bartender over the crowd of noise and music. I paid downed the drink and headed back over to my friends on the floor.

A few hours had passed and after a few more drinks and shots, we stayed on the dancefloor, starting to really get into the music, my hips swayed to the music, my hands in my hair. I was constantly getting bumped into people, and people were bumping into me but I didn't care.

In front of me I connected eyes with someone. He was attractive, and had a cheeky smile across his face, dancing side to side to the music, with who I presumed was his friends. He had short brown hair that was pushed up to the right, small stubble across his face. It was nice.

Smiling at him, I slowly turned back to dancing with my friends, my hips still moving to the music. As I continued dancing, I felt a pair of hands grab my waist from behind, the one on my right slowly pulling me as if to ask me to turn, which I accepted. As I looked up I was met by the man with the stubble. He smelt incredible. Hints of wood and vanilla hitting my nose. I smiled back at him and we continued to dance together. His hands continued to rest on my hips when they swayed. After a little while, I put my hands around his neck and he pulled us closer. In this moment our noses practically touched one another, us both still smiling at each other as we started to close the distance.

It was me that kissed him, he had seemed hesitant, and I was sick of the anticipation. The blurred noises of people screaming songs echoed in my ears, as I was stuck in this moment. He was excellent.

Pulling back I smiled at him, his hands still on my waist.

'' How drunk are you?'' I ask him, shouting down his ear so he could hear me.

'' Not much. You?''

'' I will remember '' I smirk back at him, and he does the same. But a little cheeky smirk, that made him even more attractive.

I let go of him walking away off the floor and towards the exit, and I could feel him close behind me.

'' So where we going?'' He asks his hands in his jeans pockets, his head tilted to the side looking into my eyes.

'' Mine, I don't live far.'' I grab his hand pulling him along with me as we walked the short distance from the club to my house. I took my phone out.

'' I just need to tell my friends I've left'' I say as i start typing the message into the girls chat.


Letting you know, I've left. I'm going home

C - okay xx enjoy xox

G - make sure you use protection.

I take out my keys unlocking the front door letting him in, locking it behind us. Within seconds our lips connect again, jumping up he catches me as I wrap my legs around his waist


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