The night after

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My head was thumping, my mouth dry, and I was sweating. As I opened my eyes, I saw the mess of my room. My dress on the floor along with my heels, along with them a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans was thrown across the room.

Looking to my right I see the man I had met in the club last night. He was lying on his back, completely naked, the quilt covering his bottom half. He was fast asleep, one arm under his head the other sprawled out rest across the back of my pillow.

taking myself out of my bed carefully and quietly, I left my room heading to the bathroom to have a shower. I locked the door, turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. Looking in the mirror I noticed the mascara had stain my cheeks lightly, my make up lightly rubbed off from sleeping in it last night. My hair now a mess, all tattered.

Last night was fun.

The shower had heated up so I stepped in, washing my body fully, I shampooed and conditioned my hair in an attempt to make sure it wouldn't get damaged.

wrapping a towel around me, and my hair in another towel, I stand at the counter looking in the mirror, starting my routine, cleaning off all my makeup, and to put on all the products that would prevent me from breaking out.

Grabbing a pair of black joggers and a oversized white Nike t-shirt I put them on. I grabbed a bobble putting my hair into a messy bun, before leaving and going back to my room to put the dirty towels in the washing basket.

'' good morning '' I say as I walk in seeing him putting his t-shirt back on, now fully dressed. I looked at the floor now seeing my underwear on the floor which I didn't notice before.

'' good morning'' He responded ruffling his hair trying to bring back some life to it. He looked tired but he was still attractive.

Why is the bit after the night always so awkward. Like what are you meant to do? Kick them out? exchange numbers? offer him breakfast?

''I've ordered an uber so I will be out soon'' He speaks up breaking me from my thoughts.

'' oh okay'' we continue to sit there in some awkward silence, as he puts on his trainers. '' I'm Sophie by the way''

'' George ''

A ding on his phone of a notification, turns his attention and its uber so he gets up and leaves, I see him out to the door saying goodbye.

After I had closed the door I went to my kitchen making myself a cup of tea and taking 2 paracetamol, heading back upstairs to my bed falling asleep again.


'SOPHIE' I wake up to the shout of Georgia and her throwing a cushion at me.

'' what ''

'' Were going out for food. Are you coming?'' she asks me leaning on the doorframe. She was dressed similar to me. In joggers and a t-shirt. Her hair was up in a pony looking much more presentable than me.

'' give me a few minutes to get ready''

'' ok... Oh and you're driving'' And with that she leaves my room closing the door behind her.

Brushing through my hair that was now half dry, I put it back into a messy bun, adding a little bit of makeup to my face, before finally grabbing my shoes and keys leaving the house.

'' so... who was the mystery boy?'' Charlotte asks me as I start the drive

smirking to myself, I laugh '' a boy from the club, he's called George''

''is it the one you were dancing with?''

'' yes''

'' He's fit! did you get his number?'' Georgia now pops up from the back seat.

''No, but that's fine '' I smile at them both, handing my phone over to charlotte for her to put music on trying to change the conversation.

I never really done one night stands, but something overcame me last night, she was attractive. I could tell this morning she was awkward, I was too I didn't know what I was meant to say? Only I wish I could've spoken to her properly.

Entering my building, I see Alex sat on the sofa in the living room watching some random YouTube video.

" George! Where did you end up ?" I see him smirk at me

" I left, just wanted to go "

He raises his eyebrows at me deciding to leave it and continues looking at the tv, leaving me to go to my room and crash.

Sophie. It's such a popular name, there are so many, so many in London no less. It's unlikely that I am ever going to see her again. Nevertheless, I open instagram trying to find her account.

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