Chapter 4 - Going out for Supplies

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The last couple of days, Gao Ling had been going shopping with his mother to gather supplies before everything becomes chaotic. Mother Gao thinks that is a blessing that his son had a special place to gather all their shopping. With no concerns about money or storage, Mother Gao bought a lot of several things. From supplies like canned food or large packages of water to hundreds of toilet paper and underwear, all the shops on the mall wanted the pair of mother and son to enter their business.

After Father Gao became aware of the danger that was coming, he made several calls to move various things inside the military. The soldiers we confused at first with the new orders like more training of their survival skills and the reinforcement of their walls, but it was an order from their chief, so the only thing that the poor soldiers could do was obey.

Besides gathering supplies, Gao Yun and Gao Ling dropped school. In the mornings, they would go with their father to do physical training with the soldiers. Later in the evenings were stayed at home to check all their shopping. Only late at night, we're more relaxed. Of course except for Gao Ling that would go to his bedroom and enter his space to organize his supplies.

Several nights ago, suddenly, Gao Ling remember that he hadn't read the books inside the wooden shack. So in a spare moment of his day he went to find what were the books about. To his surprise, the books were about medical knowledge, but that was not the only thing. Whoever wrote this books, it seemed that it was a mage. Since the books were a guide how to learn magic. At the beginning Gao Ling didn't fully believe what the books said, but just thinking about all the supernatural stuff that had happened before the existence of magic wasn't that crazy considering that ability users could be regarded as mages if you wanted to see it that way. Besides, since in the future Gao Ling wouldn't become an ability user, he needed a way to protect himself forms the zombies. As a result, if he learns and begins to train magic, it would an amazing skill. So since reading some books, the first thing that he learned was that he needed to know his attribute in order to learn that magic. Since a person without affinity with fire couldn't do fire magic. So, following the instructions of the books he had taken, he grabbed a couple of little needles that were laying a bunch inside a crystal jar that was resting on the shelves, and he pinched himself with it. Slowly, his blood in the tip of the needle changed from red to white. Reading the results on the book, white color meant healing magic. But the changes didn't stop there, after the tip change to green. He also had the wood attribute! Then the tip, finally, broke. That meant that he hadn't any other attribute besides those.

But Gao Ling was very excited, in his previous life, dual ability users were rare and him the fact that he didn't become an ability user he always dreamed of having an ability as well, just like his family. So with his enthusiasm, his magic training began.

Contrary to his expectations, learning magic was not so easy to accomplish. Similar to the cultivators, Gao Ling needed to create a nucleus in his body to learn simple magic.

After a month of hard work, Gao Ling finally succeed in creating a small magic nucleus inside his body. Thanks to that, he was now able to learn magic spells. Feeling that he could move heavens and earth, he moved to the magic spell books. But magic training wasn't the only thing that Gao Ling had been working on, since there went some changes inside the wood shack. After a month of hard work, Gao Ling was able to make his base in the space. It was a large house made of wood that had two levels. It seemed that the space could grow with him, since when he was able to create his magic core the wooden shack expanded by itself and thanks to the supplies that Gao Ling recollected the house was full of equipment. On the first level were the kitchen, the living space, and some storage room. On the second level, there was the common bathroom, two bedrooms, and a large master bedroom that was Gao Ling room.

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