chapter 1.

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TW: mentions of yelling/arguing, mention of eating disorder, mention of fighting

Third person?

'why do they always have to fight' George thought to himself as he opened his eyes to see his room filled with darkness. He had just been awoken by the sound of his parents fighting downstairs.

Looking over at his alarm clock, George read out to himself '5:26am'. 'Damn, this early? That's gotta be a new record or sumthin.'

The brunette slowly sat up from the comfort of his soft bed, allowing his body to drag him to his bathroom. As the boy stepped into the bathroom after switching on the light, he looked into the mirror. 'Fucking hell! I need a shower. oh my god.'

After he turned on the water to the shower, he continued to stare at himself in the mirror.

'I really look like shit rn- Ig that's what happens when your parents get to you' The boy simply shrugged it off and undressed, stepping into the scorching hot shower seconds later.

Time skip

Stepping out if the shower, George no longer heard yelling coming from downstairs. 'Guess they finally got tired' he thought as he dried himself off so he could change.

After getting dressed George looked into the mirror to see his outfit.

He was wearing a light tan-ish-brown t-shirt, with a light cream colored turtle neck underneath, accompanied with a pair of brown high waisted trousers, and his black converse.

He also had two small simple silver chain necklaces around his neck, a black hair-tie on his wrist with two other black bracelets, and a few rings on both of his hands.

'Damn, I look so sexy.' The brunette thought to himself sarcastically.

Walking back into his room, George looked at the time now. 'Huh, only 6:30. That must have been a long shower then-' he thought to himself.

After a few minutes of getting all of his school belongings together in his bag, George finally went downstairs to leave.

"George." a voice said as he was walking down the stairs. Looking up he saw it was his father.

"Hello father. Can I help you with something?" George asked very unamused by his father's company. His father stayed quiet for a minute or two before answering.

"No, get to school please George." his father finally responded so quietly it was almost a whisper.

George just nodded and continued down the stairs. As he was getting closer to the door he could feel his father's eyes on him.

Soon enough he was at the door. George stopped only for a second to think about if he was forgetting anything. Thinking he had all of his stuff he started to open the front door when a voice stopped him.

"But um get some food before you leave! You need to eat some breakfast, son." his father said quickly as George started to walk out the door.

George turned to look at the man behind him. "No thanks father. I'm not hungry, but I may get something at school." His father nodded, but he really wanted his son to stay and eat for a minute.

George's father was not like George's mum. He was nicer, but he didn't know how to show it in the correct way. George didn't know this though.

Outside he noticed that there were only a single car in the driveway and the garage was open. His mum's car out of sight.

'Huh, guess she left early for work.' George thought as he made his way to his car. After getting in and starting the vehicle, he noticed his Father was standing at the living room window looking out.

'Creepy old man' the boy thinks to himself rolling his eyes, as he pulls out of the driveway of his house.

'that old man can't know about my eating disorder..that would be bad if he did..' the boy thought to himself as he drove to school.

George's pov.

The way to school has always been the same. I hook my phone up to the radio and I blast music the whole way.

And as I drive I always like to think or sing along with the music, depends on my mood. But today I just simply sang a loud as I could hear the songs lyrics playing louder, this was helping me get everything off of my mind.

The drive to school wasn't too long, but wasn't too short either. It took a good bit but not too too long. Very complicated, I know but...I liked it.

Pulling into the school I saw three figures waiting next to my parking place. There was one other person too, but they were standing a little behind the others. I didn't recognize them until I got closer.

Until I pulled into the parking place. I finally looked at all four figures individually. I was shocked to see three of them, but the one was always waiting for me.

It was Karl. But the other three I didn't know too well other than the fact that they knew Karl. I mean I've seen them before and I know who they are, of course! But I've never talked to them a day in my life. The three were kinda mysterious in a way to me.

It was Quackity and Sapnap, but also Dream..

To be continued...

[927 words]


OMG! I ACTUALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER!! WOOOOOOOO!!! Anyways- Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing day/night and make sure to eat and drink water! Love you all! <3


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