Hold on Forever

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After reuniting in London, James and Riley reaffirm their love for each other. Based on Hold on Forever by Rob Thomas

It was nearly midnight in London when they both heard the distinctive sound of the hotel door unlocking as James hastily swiped the key across the lock. He'd barely pushed the door open before he felt a pair of arms gently wrapping around his neck and a pair of very familiar lips pressing against his own for the hundredth time in the last few hours.

He gently guided the figure into the room and with reluctance, detached himself from the pair of lips.

"Just let me take this jacket off." He said in a hushed tone as he shrugged the jacket off his shoulders. It fell to the floor and was brushed out of the way with a quick movement of his foot. Having deposed of the jacket, his eyes drifted back to the 5'3 figure standing in front of him. Even though it had been several hours, he still couldn't quite comprehend that she was here in London. He leaned forward and wrapped his arm around the girl's waist, pulling her to him as he sat on the edge of the hotel bed. "I can't believe you're here."

Riley's brown eyes starred right at him as a smiled spread across her face, "I followed my heart, and it led me here. It led me to you."

James felt his heart swell as he ran his hand through her soft blonde hair. He starred at Riley and knew from her face that although she was smiling and content being here with him, she still had guilt about what happened. Four years of being together had made it easy for him to read her facial expressions.

As if she was reading his thoughts, the blonde spoke, "James I really am so sorry for everything. I got overwhelmed with everything and without you around I lost myself. I know it-." Riley's speech came to a stop as James gently placed a finger on her lips.

"Riley," he said gently. "I know you're sorry. You've apologized so many times already and I have already told you I forgive you. You forgave me after Beth and now I am forgiving you. You and I are meant to be." He intertwined his fingers with hers and rested them above his heart. "We're forever and we both know it. I love you sweet girl." The affection in his voice was genuine.

Riley smiled shyly and felt her heart flutter when he used the nickname he only used in their most intimate moments. "I love you so much James." She said and bent down sitting on his knee and rested her head against his.

"You know my favourite way to celebrate has always been with you and it would be a shame for us not to take advantage of this hotel room." He whispered.

Riley raised her eyebrow before a coy smile appeared on her face, "It would be shame wouldn't it, especially when we have so much to celebrate." As soon as the words left her lips, she felt James's lips meet her own and together they fell back onto the bed.


"I love you," Riley said tiredly as she rested her head on his chest and listened to his beating heart.

"I know." Was the reply she got from her boyfriend. She looked up and could just make out his smirk in the darkness. "But for the record I love you too Riley." He said and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

She smiled and snuggled into him as much as she could. Cuddling with James, being held by him was one of the best feelings in the world. It filled her with a warmth like putting on a sweater on a freezing winter day.

"So, who did you leave in charge of the studio?" James asked as he lazily ran his fingers through her hair.

"Michelle and Amanda."

James chuckled, "Oh I'm sure they're loving being in charge."

Riley let out a laugh and sighed, "I haven't checked my phone but I'm guessing there is a couple of texts from Michelle. That's why I'm flying back tomorrow night." She lifted her head and looked at James's face. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer but Regionals are just over a week away."

James starred at her, and a smile spread across his face. "That's okay, it's probably a good thing you're leaving tomorrow because so am I." He chuckled watching his girlfriend scrunch her face in confusion. "You see I have to get back to Toronto so I can help my super amazing girlfriend get her dance team ready for Regionals."

Riley looked at her boyfriend lovingly as she intertwined their fingers "Thank you. You know I've been thinking."

"That's always dangerous," James teased and laughed when Riley playfully glared at him.

"Ha-ha so funny," she said sarcastically, "I was thinking that you and I should start looking for an apartment together. I mean we had talked about it a while ago and after everything-," she paused and looked directly into his eyes. "I want to come home from the studio and be able to hold you and be held by you. I want this," using her hand she gestured to their current position, "I want this to last forever."

James looked into her brown eyes and smiled before adjusting his head so his lips could briefly connect with hers. "Living with you, being able to spend every night with you sounds better than all you can eat shawarma." He said as he pulled away.

"I love you, James."

"I love you more Riley."

The blonde smirked as she lay her head back onto his chest "You know I would argue with you about that, but all our celebrating has worn me out. We should get some sleep babe."

James hummed in agreement and soon sleep took him. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face and holding onto his forever girl. As Riley drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his beating heart, she took comfort in the fact that despite how rough things had been, she was back in James's arms. More importantly she knew now that as long as they both held onto their love for each other they could get passed whatever hurdle came at them because the love she and James had was the type that lasts forever.

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