Chapter 7: Preparing For The Wedding

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August, Jovita and some Ruined were plotting to take over.

"Do you have a detailed map of the palace?"

"Of course, but it doesn't have the hiding spots and secret passageways on it."

"Can you draw them on?"


"Then create a route for getting in and out?"

"First I need to know the entire plan."

"We get there and let them have the ceremony. Before the ceremony we'll poison the food and drinks and then while everyone's dancing during the after party that's when we'll strike. And we can have some Olso guards and Ruined disguise as Lera guards! They'll never see us coming!"

"Smart! I like it! So, the dancing will be in the ballroom. When you enter it, you go downstairs. There's an emergency exit downstairs. I can disactivate alarm so we can get out quickly."


Meanwhile, Cas and Em could hardly wait to sleep together.

"This time on our wedding night do you want to do it? Only if you're ready. I totally get it if you're not but I'm ready because I love you and because of that love I'm willing to wait- "

She interrupted him with a kiss.

"Cas, I love you. I know you now and I want to know more about you. I'm ready."



"Should we save it for wedding night?'

"Yes, although I am tempted."

A few more busy weeks go by getting ready for the wedding. Iria and Em were making dresses, makeup, accessway, and hair planning.

"You look tired."

"I am."

"Go take a break with your fiancé. Galo and I can take it from here."

"Oh, Iria Thank you!" They hugged.

"Of course. Now go say hi for me."

"Your majesty does you want chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry cupcakes?"

"Chocolate and vanilla."

"What flavor do flavor do you want your wedding cake to be?"

"Big and chocolaty."

"Have you chosen what to wear?"


"Should I get chocolate or regular strawberries?"

"Both," Em answered him and kissed him. "Want a break from all this?"

"Yes please."

"Come on," She dragged him off to their bedroom and had a long make out session.

Two days before the wedding day their guests started arriving. Despite the rivalry between Lera and Olso they would be attending.

"Open the gates! Our guests are arriving today!"

"You need a few guards to come with you."

"Two plus advisors. Me, Em, Galo, Mateo, Iria, and Aren. "The rest of you know what to do. Maids be prepared!"

Everyone got busy. The few greetings went outside and waited for guests to arrive. The first to arrive was King Dixon of Vallos.

"Welcome to Lera!"

"Ah Cas! Congests!" They shook hands and hugged,

"Thank you! Please come in! Your rooms are ready you can rest before dinner." Not long after that August, Jovita, and The Ruined arrived.

"Welcome to Lera, August," Cas said in disgust.

"Thank you, Casimir, August spit.

"Well, hello, Jovita."

"Hello Cousin."

"Your room is ready you can rest before dinner."

At dinner no one really talked.

"The food is delicious," King Dixon commented halfway through the meal.

The next day they didn't really see their guests because they were preparing.

for the wedding while August and Jovita were planning an attack.

"The plan is perfect."

"I agree."

She showed him the secret passageways they'd be using. The Ruined were prepared to use their powers. The guards were getting the uniforms they needed.

"The plan is in motion."


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