An Uncurable Disease... (Lukas x Brandon; SNO S2)

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>Wasn't requested<
I don't entirely ship them a lot but I got an idea, so here we are~
Takes place after Lukas finds out about Brandon's bite and chains.
-fluff(at the end)
(Lukas' POV)

I was making toffee, a frown plastered on my face.
Brandon had talked to me about who Maya was and what his past was like before she died.
I felt a slight pain in my stomach, making me wince a little.

I should really stop thinking about it or else it'll become worse, I thought, ignoring the pain and pouring the now hot toffee in a cup.
I made sure to get a good hold of it while I took it downstairs, where Brandon was. He was sitting in his bed, lost in thought. I walked close enough for him to see me and look up, making eye contact with me.
"I got your toffee, just like you asked," I said, smiling slightly. He returned the smile, nodding. I handed him his cup and he began drinking it. I turned around and began walking to the middle of the room, stopping to look over my shoulder to Brandon.
"Brandon, if you need me, I'll be upstairs," I said, looking up. I heard him hum, telling me he heard and understood. I extended my wings and flew up, going through the trap door. I landed on the wood swiftly, retracting my wings. I closed the trap door, leaving Brandon alone. I grabbed a cup of coffee I already had made for me beforehand and walked outside, smiling once the soft breeze hit my face.
I walked to the side of the Whale, sitting on the floor and began sipping my coffee, letting some thoughts cloud my mind.

Why do I still have this? I already confirmed that they wouldn't be returned, I thought, frowning.
Do I need to also not have them? Is that why I still have them? I mean, it makes sense, I guess, I sighed, shaking my head.
My eyes widened, feeling pain in my stomach. I stood up, ignoring my cup of coffee being spilled, and flew down. Once I got to land, close to the water, I fell on my knees, and threw up. Black, red-ish petals began falling from my mouth, making me clutch my stomach. Tears began to form on my eyes, causing me to close my eyes tightly, not wanting them to fall.
After what felt like hours, but was really just a couple of minutes, I had stopped throwing up. I sighed, sitting down. I grabbed water with my hands and began cleaning my face, leaving my hands in the water afterwards. I stared at the burn mark on my hand and frowned. I looked up at the sky, seeing the sun start to set a little.

I should go before Brandon realizes I left, I thought, standing up and flapping my wings.
I extended my wings and flew upward, landing on the dock that was there. I looked to the side where I was sitting, seeing the cup of coffee I spilled, causing me to shake my head. I walked to the side, grabbing the cup, and walking inside. I put the cup away, looking outside.

The night sky is always lovely. Maybe I should stay out there tonight, I thought, a small smile appearing.
I went outside and flew up on the roof, sitting down. I stared at the sky, enjoying the breeze and the quietness. That was before my mind began racing with thoughts again, causing me to look down and frown.

How do I get rid of my emotions though? I know Brandon won't return them so how do I get rid of them? I don't even know how I got them- This is so confusing.
Thoughts kept racing my mind, unsure of what to do with the situation. This continued for a couple of minutes until my mind began shifting..

I mean, I got them because of his personality and character. I mean, also his looks cause he has the looks- I shook my head, my face becoming super flushed.
I began feeling the pain in my stomach again, making me clutch my stomach. I frowned, sighing.

Having these thoughts and emotions will end up killing me, I swear... I thought, looking at the sky.
I began feeling a bit sleepy, so I flew down and sat by the logs, leaning against them. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness and tiredness take me to a slight slumber..

(Brandon's POV)

I flew up the trap door, opening it before I hit myself. I landed on the wood, turning around to look at the trap door.

Did Lukas close it? I thought, frowning slightly. I turned and began walking to the ladder that lead upstairs, to where Lukas slept.
Once I got up there, I frowned, staring at the empty bed.
"Where had this idiot gone to now," I said, frowning and climbing back down. I began walking to the front entrance, stopping after opening the door.
There, laying against the log, I see Lukas, fast asleep. I sigh, walking up to him. He had tears stains on his cheeks, causing me to frown.

He was crying...
I sat next to him, wrapping my wing around him, being careful of his own wings, of course. I pull him towards me, letting him rest on my shoulder. He instantly snuggles up against me, making me flush a little. I wrap my arm around him and buried my face in his hair, a small smile tugging my lips. I closed my eyes, letting myself fall to sleep..

For those that realized, this is a Hanahaki Disease AU.
I started rewatching Reinbloo's and ActualBoatNose's SNO S2 that I got this idea. Don't know why but I thought it would suit the two since they were so close. I know in the end their brothers, but everyone at one point thought they weren't. I will make something with the person I mostly ship Lukas with so be prepared for that~
Another thing was that I didn't entirely know how to write the whole angst part so please endure the random stuff I did!
I know it's shîtty but it was the best I could do-
Anywho, bye-bye my lovelies!

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