The Disease (Lukas x David; FTO S5)

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Another hanahaki disease au but this time with snowdrop-
Takes place between the end of the GMG, so basically after the fight with the Demon Lord happened, and before the S-Class trials. It also takes place after they came back from Salode(I forget this place exists sometimes :')
Blake x Lukas isn't a thing in this au. They see each other as best friends.
(Lukas' POV)

I sat in my pool, doing my daily meditation when I began to hear voices, one catching my attention the most. I looked up and saw Plant standing by the edge of the pool, staring down at me. They smile and gave me a small wave. I smiled back, standing and swimming up. Once at the surface, I swam to where Plant stood, climbing out, and sitting next to them. I turn to face them, still smiling.
"Hey Plant, how come you're here?" I asked, tilting my head. Plant looked behind me, making me also look, out of curiosity.
Behind me, I see David and Blake having a conversation. By the looks of things and the fact that David didn't have his jacket on and Blake being a tad annoyed, I could tell the conversation was about him being half naked.
I stared at his body, feeling my face flush a little as I trailed my eyes over his exposed chest.
I mean, David has always exposed his chest and I've always looked at it. But I've never really looked at it since a lot of prying eyes were around. That's besides the point that I'm trying to go at-
I kept staring, not really paying attention to the small child beside me, trying to grab my attention.
"Papa!" Plant yelled, making me to look at them. They had a pout on their face, signaling they were a little annoyed. I smiled awkwardly at them, trying to subdue the flush on my face.
"Plant, why did you yell at Lukas?" I hear David ask, making me look up at him. He was leaning on the fence, looking confused. Plant kept pouting, not answering David's question. I turned to face Plant, giving them an apologetic smile.
"Plant, I'm sorry I spaced out on you, bud. I didn't mean to," I said, scooting closer to them. They looked at David and then at me, before nodding. I extended my arms and welcomed them into a hug.
"Awh, that's adorable," I hear Blake say, standing by David.
"Plant's always adorable. I don't know what you mean," David said, rolling his eyes. I laughed fondly, turning to David and Blake. Plant still had their hands wrapped around me so I couldn't exactly move, even if I wanted to.
"How come the two of you are here?" I asked, earning a scowl from Blake and a sour look from David. I sighed, looking at Plant. They unwrapped their arms around me, letting me stand up. I turned to face them, tilting my head and smiling softly.
"What's gotten you guys blue? I thought that was my thing," I said, a smirk replacing my smile. Blake smiled at that, a small chuckle escaping her lips. David's sour face still stayed the same, but it seemed to have lessened.
"What is it with you and jokes now?" David asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged.
"Don't know. Thought it would lighten the mood a little, and it kinda did," I responded, looking at Plant. They smiled and walked to the fence. They extended their arms up at David, making David chuckle. He grabbed Plant and placed them on his waist, giving them a small kiss on the forehead. Blake and I smiled at that, loving the father-son bonding moment they were having.
"Anyway, is there anything I can help you two with?" I asked, leaning on the fence. Blake shook her head, looking at David. David hummed, looking upward.
"I mean, if you can help me in the garden, than I guess I do need your help," he said, giving me a small smile. I returned it and nodded, jumping the fence. Blake shook her head, sighing.
"One day, you're gonna hurt yourself," she said, before beginning to walk to her house. She said goodbye and waved, me waving back. David just said bye and began walking to the garden, this time with Plant on his shoulders.
I ran after him, not really wanting to be left behind.
(Still Lukas' POV)

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