three; concert

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after about an hour or so of traveling on the road, you finally arrive at the concert destination and head in. after a while the concert starts, and the boys walk onto stage. you squint your eyes looking for a certain boy in particular on the stage. your eyes widen when they land on the tall blonde, who's just feet away from you as you realize how much more beautiful he is in person. although you can't see his pretty features while he's up on the stage, his tall silhouette is enough to drive you crazy.

you get excited until you hear a noise from the loud speakers.

"testing, testing, 1,2,3.."

you can hear your sister squeal beside you when the voice starts speaking.

"hello everyone, we are so happy to be here, and have you here, and we are so excited to start this concert!" bangchan says.

from then on out you guys just party and have fun, jamming out to every song that they very neatly perform. but you start to realize within every performance, felix staring at you, and often whispering over to hyunjin while eyeing you.

after about 2 times of him already doing this, you catch him in the act again and decide to wave to see if it was really you he was looking at. he quickly fixes his posture from leaning over into hyunjins ear, who's beside him, and stands up tall giving you a big wave and a cute smile back.

you feel a bit relieved with the fact that he smiled at you, but you can't help to wonder if they were saying something bad about you.

after a while, the concert finally comes to an end, and everyone starts leaving. it's getting pretty late, so you take your sister and head out to the car. you drive home and crash in your bed immediately.

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