I stand and hurry back over to them, Joel stopping me as he hears something. Just then horses come down from over the hill circling us.
We raise our hands in the air as they aim their guns at us.
"We're not looking for any trouble we're just passing through," for once, Joel is on the defense.
"Drop the gun," one of the men yells.
Joel does as told and slowly lowers his gun to his feet. I narrow my eyes, they have to know that's not the only gun he has on him.
The same man nods at me, "you, five steps that way."
I don't move.
Joel frowns, "how about we talk this out?"
"How 'bout you shut the fuck up?"
Ellie grabs my hand and she tugs me back a few steps. The lead man continues on, "you infected?"
Two people with dogs emerge, "last chance for a bullet because if you're infected he will smell it and rip you to shreds."
I feel Ellie tense beside me and I squeeze her hand.
They let the dog loose and he trots up to Joel, sniffing him. When he's done he trots back to his owner and wags his tail.
The man shifts his gaze, "now them."
Ellie takes another step back and the dog growls at us. I shift slightly in front of her as they all aim their guns at us.
I feel my heart pound in my chest.
Then the dog jumps on me, wagging his tail rapidly. I laugh and scratch behind his ears. Ellie joins me on the ground and we shower the dog in affection that it probably doesn't get very often.
A man takes the dog away and the guns are pointed back at Joel. "You just bought yourself ten more seconds, why're you here?"
"Just looking for my brother."
Now a new person comes forward, a dark skinned woman with dreads.
"What's your name?" she demands.
Joel waits a moment before answering, "Joel."
* * *
Joel found his brother, he found Tommy.
I haven't exactly figured out what that means for me.
Hearing the door creak I look up from the mirror where Maria is braiding my hair, Ellie exiting the bathroom. As of right now she has my hair in two pigtails, four small braids in the left pigtail as she works on the right.
Ellie glances around, "this place is fucking unbeliavble."
Maria shoots her a quick glance before chuckling and tying off the last braid. She stands from the bed, brushing her hands on her pants, "I've got some things to finish up, I'll be across the street."
Ellie watches as she leaves before turning to me with a grin. I smile in return and stand, adjusting my robe before taking a place next to her. We look through the assortment of clothes on the bed before each choosing outfits.
We each get dressed and Ellie plays with a small cup that Maria left on the bed for her with a note. Just as I'm zipping up my jacket Ellie pulls open the front door.
She grins, "let's go pay them a visit shall we?"
* * *
I sit on the cushioned seat, watching as the two people on the screen have a conversation. I haven't seen anything like this before, only heard stories from Henry that he heard from our parents.
Still my mind drifts away to the information I heard earlier.
Sarah Miller.
Maria had told us about Joel's daughter and even gone as far as to show us a picture. That must've been who Joel thought I looked like.
It was a smiling girl with bright eyes and wild curly hair, just like mine.
Maybe this was why Joel is the way he is.
My heart clenches for him.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Ellie standing next to me. I watch as she leaves the theater, the movie theater door swinging closed behind her.
I turn my eyes back to the film and start to count in my head.
After 233 times, it's over.
I walk back to the house with Maria and Tommy and say goodnight. When I enter the house Joel and Ellie are home but they're both locked away in their rooms.
For some reason I feel tension in the air that makes my heart drum.
Something is going to happen.
Pushing down the feeling in my gut I change into the nightgown left out for me and slip into the white covered twin bed in my room.
The curtains beside it billow in the breeze and I can hear the town slowly winding down. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, sinking into the mattress.

Fanfiction━━━almost me again. the last of us. female oc. ellie and joel. 5/1/23; 5/25/23 @𝙣𝙚𝙗𝙫𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙨𝙢𝙤𝙜