Chapter 3 Part 2

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AN: Thank you so much for the 72 reads and 22 votes! Feedback is appreciated if you, my wonderful reader, wouldn't mind leaving me some!

Winnie tackled me as an unknown force cleaved the mist a breath from us, kicking up a gust of wind in its passing. I had it in my head to withdraw my dagger and jab Winnie until I registered she had saved me from, what I concluded between this moment and the next, must be Fae magic.

We fumbled on the ground for painfully long seconds while we untangled ourselves from each other. I found my feet again and raised my arrow, knocked it, drew back my bowstring, and sent it flying at the fairy. It struck her shoulder, and it stuck there. I had another arrow at the ready before she even got a chance to react.

" Stop this, or the next one goes in your eye!" I shouted.

"This is not my doing!" The fairy cried, grabbing the arrow and yanking it out. I saw the truth of those words in her face as went from moon pale to bone white, and the bloodied arrow tumbled out of her hand. She swayed a bit, her legs wobbling like she might topple over, but she steadied herself at the last moment.

Screaming started from somewhere in the mist, moving toward me at an alarming pace.
I realized I didn't see Winnie anywhere just as she flew past my feet—the source of the screaming. She clawed desperately at moss and leaves while what resembled a cloud of sparkling blue dust that flowed and gathered like the currents of a river dragged her on her stomach.

I fired my arrow at it, but the dust cloud shifted out of the way a moment before it struck true. Not knowing what else to do, I took a running start and flung myself at her. I flopped onto the ground, but I got a good grip on the sleeves of her dress and lost my bow and quiver in the process. We barreled towards the fairy, who flung herself to the side to avoid being knocked down.

Wide, frightened brown eyes stared at me. "Help me!" Winnie cried while the dust cloud maneuvered us around a tree, the ground rubbing against my belly like a cat's tongue.
"I'm trying!" I grunted and cursed when we went over a log. I held Winnie tightly with one hand, while I reached with the other for trees, sticks, or anything I could grab onto, but all that could've saved us flew by too quickly for me to get a good grip.

" That she-fairy," Winnie said between gasps.

"She grabbed me as I was goin' with her wicked magic!"

"I don't think she's responsible," I said, finding each word I spoke increasingly challenging to get out.

My eyes went to Winnie's dagger, still in her hand.

"Your dagger," I heaved. "I need it."
"Take it," she grunted in response, and I did.
I kept my one-handed hold on Winnie, and tucked the knife at my side, blade facing outwards, and craned my neck to see the strange shimmering thing. I waited until the ground beneath us became relatively flat before lifting my chest high as I could, pulling my arm back, and taking aim, sending the dagger sailing through the air. The dagger hit the dust cloud hilt first before bouncing harmlessly to the ground like it had struck a boulder.
Knife-throwing— never my strong point.

"Did it work?" Winnie panted while I grabbed onto her again with both hands.


"Earth Mother, help us!" Winne groaned.

"Great idea!" I replied, now finding it increasingly easier to get my words out if I timed them right.

I let go with one arm again, rolling onto my right hip, grimacing as the ground chafed against it, and reached for my dagger strapped to my thigh. My fingers found it and removed it from its sheath. I delivered it to Winnie, pressing its hilt into her hands. I resecured my grip on both Winnie's arms. "Bring your hands together around the hilt," I instructed, and with much effort, she did. "Good, on the count of three, I want you to jam this into the earth, then hang onto it like your life depends on it. One, two..." I gritted my teeth in anticipation. "Three!"

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