A Missed Chance

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I can't believe that Elliott and Christian both are married. Mia kept in touch, but she was very busy with culinary training and other things. Apparently Anastasia is now her new sister in law and Andrea who apparently worked and is working as Christian's personal assistant was introduced set up on a date with Elliott. I heard Leila tried to kill herself and others, she won't be getting out of the psychiatric facility any time soon. I might have set her off by answering her questions about Elliott and Christian and I am no longer allowed to visit her. I never did like her that much anyway. Gia still has her eyes on getting Christian or Elliott. She doesn't care that they are married or not. Lily however has found another rich guy, in his 80's but very wealthy and very generous to her. His family has been very clear on the fact she will not be getting their inheritance. Plus he has a huge prenuptial agreement ready to sign and she isn't willing. She definitely is milking it for all it's worth though.

I know at some point I will be working for Elliott or Christian and I will get another shot at them. My design firm gets a lot of the Greys business. I inherited it and have been doing great things with it. Mia is now looking to get work done on the building she now owns. So I will offer my services at an excellent rate, that way I can get the jobs. What I didn't expect was the building and the designs would be up to the customer who leases the individual areas. Everything else would be done by Grey Constructions and Designs. So I would have to know who the people are that are going to have either offices or shopping centers in it. The apartments are going to be leased to a clients that like their privacy and I need them to give out my cards to their friends. No one will get information on who will be leasing the apartments. They will be living in a high security building and with two helipads on it. Photos of the building after it is finished is on the billboard at the site. It is definitely beautiful. I doubt that I can afford an office or an apartment in it. I spoke to Mia and she told me that the prices for space isn't up to her, but to a CFO Christian put in charge.

I am trying my best to get hired by Mia, but she says that she isn't doing the actual hiring of staff. HR is doing the hiring and I have to pass some stringent background checks and my juvenile record is well known even though my parents got it expunged, it still made headlines. Kate couldn't get her dad to retract those articles, because the stories were factual. So I guess I am not going to get hired by Mia Grey's company. She has however told me about companies that might hire me even with my juvenile records and emailed me the list. It is definitely a long list, I will need to be bonded on several of them though. I start calling to get the information on the bonding process and the amount. A few are more than I can afford there are a few that I can afford, so I apply to those. There are several that pay for the bond themselves, at some point if you prove your self trustworthy they move you to a better position. Those are the ones that do their own bonds, but if you fail you pay them back with your paychecks until they are paid off.

Christian warned me that as soon as my friends heard about my business and my building they would hit me up and he was right. Then there are those who think they can take Ada vantage of me because I am a new business owner. Elliott told me the same things. Brad and I are getting closer and I think we are going to be thinking of getting married soon. Dad is definitely wanting a prenuptial agreement. Brad wants one as well. I really don't know his family history, but he was an orphan. Anastasia definitely knows his story and so does Christian and their security staff. He is now working at GEH in Internet security services. Ray Jr has new caretakers now. He is in school, so they don't need all the caretakers they had before, but they kept on keeping them on payroll until they get their degrees. They still do rotating shifts. I finally start on the menus for the catering and the restaurant. I had no idea the kind of work that goes into starting my own business. Christian has helped me a lot on this. Anastasia has supported my every step, but she thinks Christian can give me the best help on everything needed. Mom and dad are guiding me through it as well.

I can't believe the number of people who are bugging me to get into Mia's building. I can't take it any more. Finally she hired an assistant to field all calls and emails and I just hand the people the information to contact them instead of Mia and I directly. They finally stopped calling me. Some were approaching and my security stopped them and gave them the cards to call directly.

I can't believe the people who want me to put in a good word with Mia so they can get into the apartments in Mia's building. Then a few have clients wanting the retail areas and Mia finally just hands me business cards with her assistants number on them. She learned never to give out her direct line very quickly. They were calling all hours of the night and she had to change her phone numbers. She now has a business number and a private number.

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