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We have had a few very difficult weeks and I bought the apartment above me and we are having it remodeled and having it staffed with extra staff. John is hiring these people. We are going to need them from now on. My classes are beginning and I will be gone for eight hours a day and come home exhausted and will need housekeeps and cooks to keep us fed. My injuries are nearly gone and there are no scars visible. Not on the outside that is. John handled the Brad issue very well and he is sticking to his contract finally. I watch Ray Jr. finally get to play outside and he loves it. Elsie was very good with him during the time he had to be kept inside. I told the black ops leader that I couldn't do any more the assignments because I didn't want Ray Jr. to be an orphan and he took it well. Something tells me that he has other ideas and I have mine.

I have men and women watching and we suspect that one of our childcare workers aren't who they say they are. Brad might not be following the contract, but I don't think after his service record that is intentional. Whoever it is, is someone that is very cautious and isn't afraid of being caught. I start looking closely at their files and something catches my attention and I call Gail. After getting off the phone with her I find out that she never sent a photo of Elsie to us, yet here it is. I then start digging deeper into her and Google her and see that the real Elsie died in a car crash three days before this Elsie was hired. Luckily we have narrowed our problem down to the childcare workers. We decide to bring in all the staff for a group meeting. Miss Steele and Ray Jr. is at an unknown location at this point. Brad doesn't ask any questions at all. We inform the staff that Miss Steele and Ray Jr. will be staying in a more secure environment until things settle down. The few places no one would look for them at is Elena's properties. We have them both staying with security and staff that we know are going to keep them safe.

I am trying to figure out where Miss Steele and Ray Jr. is at. I am bored of all of this waiting around. Everyone is going through fingerprint and DNA analysis and I know my time here is coming to an end. I start packing up things and I am stopped by someone handcuffing me. Brad has placed me in handcuffs and has handed me over to Miss Steele and John Smith. I am pretty mad about the fact that they figured it out. I am getting retribution for my mother and I failed. She died without me by her side. It was because of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey that my mother was behind bars to begin with. So what happened to my other was a direct result of them having her arrested. So I took Elsie's place so I could make sure they would both pay for their actions. So I am taken out in handcuffs and I am taken to a black SUV and you can't see in and I am put in the very back set of seats. I don't recognize the people in the vehicle and they don't even speak to me. I am taken to a building that I definitely recognize as one of my mother's buildings that she had supposedly caged her so called victims inside. The men open the doors to the SUV and I am led to the doors of the building and suddenly the doors opened up. I am pushed inside the building and see cages and chains hanging from the ceiling with cuffs on them. I am looking at some of the people who testified against my mother. There are over 50 people including teenagers who look like they want revenge. I am placed under the chains and they hook me to the chains and I feel my arms are being pulled upwards and my feet are being pulled apart and legs are opened up as wide as they can be. A young teenage girl asks me if I knew what my mother had been doing to her and her sisters and brothers? I try to lie, but they show videos of my participation of torturing our victims. I am left with these people to watch as I am tortured by one of the men. Some of the people leave after they hear my first screams. I am left alone with my tormentors who delight in paying me back for what I and my mother have done to others. They keep torturing me until I can't stay awake and they keep throwing water on me. I'm am eventually in a jail cell awaiting for my own trial date. I notice there are no marks on me, but I was definitely hurt by the men. I am informed that my public defender needs to see me.

Public Defender Oscar Williams
I hate getting this case and I know that I can't get away with not being objective and defending her to the best of my abilities. This case tests me in so many ways that I am starting to get a migraine just thinking about what was done to my cousins by her, her mother and many others during the time they had. I am telling her that she needs to take any deal they offer her, but like most criminals they think they can get a not guilty verdict. She might be attractive and everything, but you can see ugly in her face and eyes. Evil is hard to hide. I look up cases that I need to try to use to get her a not guilty verdict. She is in solitary confinement at this point for her own safety. Her arrest was well publicized and I am thinking someone made sure it was. I think whoever it was was hoping for something to happen to her just like it happened to her mother.

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