FML (A Riker Lynch Love Story)

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^^^^^Hi guys, I had this idea in my head and decided to make it into a fan fiction :) it's going to be a little different than my other one. Oh! Speaking of my other story, I'm half putting that one on hold for a little bit... I'm having horrible writers block... I will update it, but it will be slower than normal. I'm going to focus on this fan fiction more for the next little bit. I hope you guys really like this one :) and keep in mind that Skylar, is pronounced the same as Skyler. Anywho, I won't drag on with this authors note, soooo.... Happy Reading :) ^^^^^

Chapter 1- Intro to Skylar

Hi, my name is Skylar Dawn Simpson.

I have long brown hair, with purple running through it and blue eyes that everyone says looks like ice.

I am a total tomboy.

I drive a truck, I wear jeans, and I love work boots too.

I will admit, I have my girly-girl moments, but they are just little things.

I come from a normal sized family I guess.

I have two sisters, Emily (Emmy) and Victoria (Vicky).

My sisters are way more girly than I am.

They wear high heels, do their hair cute, and drive dainty cars.

My parents are named Ashley and Steven.

My parents work a lot, so it's mostly just my sisters and I at home.

I don't mind it much, I am 20 by the way.

Vicky is 18, and Emmy is 17, so they're still in school.

"Skylar! Get your butt down here! We need a drive to school!" I hear Emmy scream at me from downstairs.

I sigh before getting up and throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and running down stairs, "Why can't you drive your selves?" I ask them as I make my way to the door.

"Mine is at the garage... And Emmy's isn't starting." Vicky says annoyed.

I roll my eyes before jumping in my truck, followed by my sisters.

After a few minutes, we get at the school.

I do not miss High school, let me tell you that.

I finally get passed the stupid kids that won't move out of my way, and come to a stop, "Get out. Take the bus this afternoon, I'm going shopping in town today." I say to them as they get out.

"Kay, I'll probably get Spencer to drive us home." Emmy says, taking about her obnoxious boyfriend.

I just roll my eyes and rip out of the school yard as fast I can.

"Get out of my way! I'll run you over!" I scream, in my head, at the idiots that never move out of the way of cars.

I finally get back home, and go straight for my loft.

Oh yeah, I have the loft in my house.

My dad renovated it for me so I could have my own space.

(His way of keeping me at home longer.)

I look in my full body mirror on my way by, and know I have to change before going shopping.

I like to go shopping while my sisters are in school, because I get in and out of stores faster without them.

I change into a pair of skinny blue jeans with a brown belt I usually wear, a tight purple halter top, and my favourite necklace.

I got this necklace a few years ago from my mom, it has a little silver S on it and hanging off of the S is a little anchor.

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