𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Alex walked into his newly brought home, it took him years to save up for it but it was finally his. The house was mostly empty, beside the things he moved In here 3 months ago, but he still had moving in to do.

The air smelt like old paint but the smell was thin and not easy to notice.
Alex walked through his dark house which held two rooms. All of the walls were the same, light yellow paint.
He had a one story, but it was pretty wide for a one story.

Alex walk into a room and this one was unique, it had flower wallpapers all over. It was a rather medium size room compared to the others but he didn't care. He liked this room for some reason, he felt like someone was in the room with him, not like in a horror type way but as in a comfortable protecting type way.
This was his room, he knew it. He had his boxes in the car, but the house had furniture, not his but his parents who had passed their things to him when they died. All he needed to do way out his things in the house and it would be finished.

Alex walked further into the room and saw a phone, but not a modern phone, it was an old telephone. It was vintage, a phone people used about 50 to 60 years ago, or so. It was a painted, orange with purple flowers all over, but the paint was faded and was chipped away at some parts, probably from over the years.

'It was probably very pretty when it was first painted' Alex smiled at the thought of how pretty it was. He walked outside to his car and and went to grab the rest of the boxes.

All the boxes were in the house, he just needed to put them up. He looked at the time, "5:34...". He breath "I have time to set all this stuff".

He spent hours, putting up his things around the house. His trophy's from when he was little, pictures of his parents.

He was finish putting all his stuff, all he had to do was get rid of the boxes.
Alex grabbed a latter so he could get up to his attic, he opened the attic latch and it was just a small area where you could only sit, not stand or crouch, and only sit, and at a angle at that.

He closed the latch when he left and put the latter back in the closet where he got it from and went back to the room to lay down.

"Ugh! I'm dirty and tired! I need a shower!" Alex groaned loudly. He didn't want to get up, but he knew he had to shower. He stared at the white painted ceiling, as he struggled to get the motivation to get up. "Alex, get your ass up!-"


Alex jolted up with no hesitation.
'what? Where?-'. The ringing had stopped, 'Where did it come from?'.
Alex was confused, he didn't know what, or who was causing that ringing.


There it was again, but Alex now knew where the ringing was coming from. The vintage phone... It was ringing. 'How? Nobody uses those phones anymore... Right?'


Alex slipped himself off the bed and slowly made his way to the vintage phone as it rung. He stared at it, he stared at the paint, the now faded orange paint with purple flowers.


The ringing startled Alex, but he hesitantly but gently gripped the phone and picked it up and raised it to his ear.


Flowers from 1970 - Karlnapity Where stories live. Discover now