part 18 problems

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Jaylen~ Well While you here you gonna apply by The Rules from Both of us

May~ That's so Lame Y'all Ain't Shit How you gonna try to Control my life When I'm basically grown

Jaylen ~ Well you not 18 Until you pay Rent or A Car Note or Get a Job And Stop replying on Me You starting to Act like a Spoiled ass brat

Maya~ You Know what you Right I'm started to Act like a Spoiled Brat I'll listen to all your Rules for Now On And Focus on My study Since I'm being such a disgrace and you can Get my phone at 10:00pm every night Happy

Jaylen~ I didn't say all that

May~ It's Cool tell pearl to Come in here

Pearl~ Yeah May

May~ Go ahead tell me the Rules for me

Pearl~ First get a Job and Then Make You room up every morning

Jaylen~ Don't bring anyone over with out permission

Pearl~ Don't be to loud while on the phone

Jaylen~ You can stay out until 9:30

Pearl~ We need you to Tell your friends Not to use profanity or Anything that's gonna get you in Trouble

Jaylen~ We also Putting Camera By your Room Door

Pearl~ if you want to go anywhere Ask permission first

Maya~ Okay I'm Leaving to my room Now

Kihaiah~ Y'all doing a Little too much when she don't wanna come see you when she Go to Her moms or When she grown don't wonder Why

Jaylen~ It's called Good parenthood

Kihaiah~ Call it what you want

Kihaiah~ I'm going to check on My niece because her dad ain't doing a good job

Jaylen~ Whatever

Maya~ Come in

Kihaiah~ How you feeling little one

Maya~ I'm just a Little disappointed But it's nothing I can do Now They won't listen

Kihaiah~ Well We having a New student Tomorrow you wanna give her a tour Of the School someone can Help you

May~ Can Zay help me Tomorrow

Kihaiah ~ Yeah He can

May~ Okay Bye Auntie Love you
Jackie~ Hey Girl

May~ You can't Say any cuss words or Any bad Words

Jackie~ I'mma text you something real quick

Private message between Main one ❤💯🤪and Goofy 🤪🤡👹

Jackie~What if we use a secret language only we know

Maya~That might actually work

Jackie~ for Weed we Can Say Loaded

Maya~ And for Cuss words We Can say Animals

Jackie~ Like you shit we Say Snow bunny

Maya~ and for Damn we Say donkey

Jackie~ and for fuck we Say Funny

Maya~and For ass we Can Say ashes

Jackie~ So you like being at your Dad's

Maya~ Girl funny No  I wanna Go back  I'm sick of they ashers they Got rules I have to follow now

Jackie~ Donkey What are the rules

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