Tweek Tweak One-Shot [Lewd]

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Sci-Fi AU + Superhero AU
Tweek (Wonder Tweek)
Craig (Space Marine)
Tweek tightened his fists, surrounding them with electricity. He fired at the Space Marine as a warning to stay away from him. Craig flinched, feeling the lightning surge through him. "Ah-" He nearly dropped his gun, tightening his grip on it seconds later.

"Nnh...You better back off of me, man. I'm warning you!" Tweek said, glaring at him.

"Now why would I do that when I can capture you instead? I dunno what kind of alien you are but you seem like you'd be interesting enough to experiment on." Craig said blankly. He fired a shot at Tweek, only for him to block it with a wall of ice. Craig then fired again once the ice wall shattered, striking Tweek's legs. He kept firing at the Elementalist, leaving him paralyzed.

Tweek tried to get up, seeing Craig approaching him. He couldn't believe he'd lost like this. No...He had to keep going. He had to-

His thoughts were interrupted by Craig suddenly getting on top of him, grinding against him. "Ghh! What are you-?!" Tweek was growing flustered from this.

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