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Draco's POV

I sat in Professor McGonagall's office, waiting for her to retrieve Potter, so we could settle matters. I looked around the office. It used to be Dumbledore's when he was the headmaster. Now, it was decorated to suit the new headmistress's liking. The paintings were still there, with Professor Snape and Dumbledore added as extra paintings. Both former headmasters were snoozing peacefully, their heads lolling sideways.

I stared at Snape's face. He had been the one to kill Dumbledore, but he was still considered a hero. If only some love you had could excuse you from your crimes.

I leaned back in my chair, legs wide open. Turning my head, I looked at the new lavish furniture that decorated this room. All the whimsical rubbish Dumbledore had kept was removed and replaced with antique ornaments and transfiguration material.

"Ah, Draco!"

I snapped my head towards the sleeping portraits and jumped when I realised Dumbledore was talking to me.

"Professor?" I gulped. I hadn't expected to actually talk to Dumbledore.

"How are you?" he asked, his blue eyes still radiating the same warmth.

"I'm... fine," I replied, avoiding his eyes. I didn't know why I avoided a painting's eyes, but I couldn't look at him. It almost felt like we were back at the astronomy tower - Dumbledore and I. I hadn't even known Potter was there then.

As if summoned by my thoughts, Potter entered the room with McGonagall behind him.

"Thank you for waiting, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall said, noticing my fixed stare at Dumbledore. "I see Albus has woken up." She smiled and nodded to Dumbledore, who sent a twinkling smile back.

"Now, to business. Mr Potter, take a seat next to Mr Malfoy, please." She gestured towards the chair next to me, and Potter carefully took a seat, not looking at me. I straightened and looked at the headmistress expectantly.

"So, both of you have requested a change of partners," she said, picking up a quill to write something on a piece of parchment. We both stayed silent, looking at Professor McGonagall.

"You have both placed me in a hard position." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "The sorting hat's decision was final, but due to your circumstances, I will see what I can do to switch partners for you two." Her sharp gaze scrutinised me.

"Now, why do you both require a partner change?" She leaned forward, joining her hands

My mind went blank. Sturring, I turned to Potter, hoping he could say something.

"Malfoy and I," he began, "Find it difficult to coordinate with each other." McGonagall nodded and scribbled on her parchment.

"How about you, Mr Malfoy?" She looked up from her spectacles.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm... same."

"Okay," she said, "It seems you two have got off to a bad start, but it's only been a day at Hogwarts. I advise you both to wait a few weeks and if you still find it difficult to work together, I will consider your request." She faced us. I turned to Potter, who looked disappointed by this decision.

"You both may now go."

Harry's POV

I walk out of McGonagall's office- disappointment evident in my gut. Of course, the first person we needed to see had to be Astoria Greengrass.

She smiled at us. Malfoy didn't smile back. Instead, he clenched his jaw, looking annoyed.

"Draco! Is everything alright?" Astoria sounded worried. "Why did the headmistress call you?"

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