1. teleportation to Explanation

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This story is about TBOAH and Tcf world reacting to 'wiki, chapter, song,fanart or anything you want


TBOAH: after the plaza attack
Tcf: after the sealed god test
(I will add tcf in future scenario)

Sorry I was not updating and deleted the chapter cause it was not suitable so i am writing again

'Suggestion of the things you want me to make them react just comment down'


[TBOAH world]

In Roan kingdom...
In The crown prince alberu crossman's office the hero's Choi Han, lock, Rosalyn,and the hanituse ex butler and chef were discussing the resent event of the capital.

"Your highness the attack on the plaza was done by the people who slaughtered the blue wolf tribe and the Harris Village"said the former crown princess of brek kingdom Rosalyn

"I am deeply sorry your highness we could not catch them"said the hero Choi Han

"*Sigh* you don't need to apologise Choi Han"said the crown prince

"But your highn-" Choi Han was cut off by a knock on the door

"Come in"said alberu

"Your highness the ex-priestess cage wants to have a meeting with you and the hero"said a gaurd

"Let her in"

Cage came rushing in the room banging the door

"Your highness i got a message from that bast- i mean god of death"

"Calm down"said alberu giving her a seat and Rosalyn gave her a glass of water

"What did he say?"asked the ex-butler of the hanituse household ron molan

"Oh, he said that he wants to make a deal"

"What kind of deal"asked alberu

"He said he can help us win the war"

"Really"said lock

"So what does he wants from us? A deal is not just one sided" said the ex-chef of the hanituse household beakrox

"He didn't say anything to me he gave the deal offer to me and when i asked he didn't answer my questions so i came rushing here to ask what do we do"

'Should we accept it'was the sentence going on everyones mind

"But we don't know if he is lying or not"said Rosalyn

"We dont have a choice tho the enemy looks way stronger by the plaza attack they already killed so many and we don't know anything about their strength "said alberu

" Then Your highness what should we do?"asked Choi Han

"So We will accept it"said alberu


Rosalyn was cut off by ron
"Sorry young mistress but we should listen to his highness ,so I think it is best if we accept it"

"I don't have choice than"Rosalyn said

"ok cage i agree " said alberu in understanding and looked at everyone

Every one nobed in understanding after a little hesitant

Tboah and Tcf react Where stories live. Discover now