2 : chapter

701 30 17

**** The stream has opened ****

[author 'lumine' welcome you]

[Constellation's have entered the stream]

["You have entered the stream as a price you must leave a comment for entertainment"]

So this is the list of characters dead in this world

(I added time line for when they died because there can be confusion they are alive right now)

(Year 781 of the Felix Calendar )

Time :April 9
Roan miru [the black dragon]goes
Berserk and dies by the hand of Choi han

Tine :Between April 9 to plaza terror incident :-

Blue wolf tribe killed by the arm

And Tylor and paeston were alive and died after the plaza incident so they are here

Timeline : after the plaza incident, solving the aftermath


"Slacker life"- mortal/people talking

'slacker life'- mortal/people thinking

"Slacker life"- yuan/dion talking

'slacker life'- yuan/dion thinking

[Slacker life]- broadcasting on screen



"then let's start"


Oh wait I forgot something

With a snap of the finger a blue screen appeared showing number?

So select any chapter between 1 - 745

"So is it like a book or novel?" Choi han asked

"You could say it is the life of a person presented in chapter made by god's"

"Do god's write this"asked witira

"You could say it like that"

'Oh' thought witira

And Before anyone could speak the ancient dragon eruhabem had spoke
"18 chapter"

"Hmm, ok let's continue"

'Why do i feel goosebumps,did i pick a wrong chapter but I feel relieved at the same time, strange' thought eruhabem

Every one who wanted to say something just kept quiet (haha they shock at the beauty like me)

Chapter 18: Saw A Dragon (1)

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