how we met

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„love of my life" I said while watching deep inside Brians eyes.Hazel eyes are so fucking beautiful and now I can watch in those eyes every day.It just feels like a dream but every time I wake up next to him I realise that it's not a dream.I mean every one is dreaming about those beautiful eyes,this smile and this voice,no matter if he speaks or sings.This man is incredibly,no matter what he do.He answered me with „ooo,I love it when you speak in Queen Songs".And I also love it.Talking in Queen Songs makes everything so different.You know those difficult situations where you don't know what to say.And in my difficult situations I say my sentences with Queen Songs.No matter wich Queen Album or song.Sometimes with the lyrics and sometimes with the name of different songs.And the funny thing behind it is that Brian every time know when I speak in Queen Songs.I am not actually sure why he know it.But I like it.Talking in Queen Songs give me a good feeling.And if Brian understand what I mean with my way of talking is the thing gives me the best feeling I can have in my whole life.A feeling of love an safety.The feeling I had when I talked with him the first time.
It was summer 1973.A Queen Concert.The best thing happened to me.I was getting ready after a long talk with my best friend.She is totally not like me but I don't care about it.She is the best person I ever meet(without looking at  Brian).I knew that this concert was a big chance,but I never thought about this.We listened to Doing Alright.One of my favourite songs.Gives me a feeling about everything.I mean Freddie sings about things he do alright.While listened to this song I thought about everything.It was a magical moment in my life.This moment where you think at first at everything and than at nothing.I just enjoyed the whole Concert.After it I was going out and saw that Brian was looking at me.Maybe you could unterstand the situation.I was not knowing what I was doing.I was just walking.I somehow lost my wallet outside.But I didn't realise it.Why you can be so inattentive?When I was home I saw that I lost my wallet.„Shit" I told myself.„Why happened things like this always to me?".It is exactly like this.The bad things always happened to me.But I can't chance it.„Hey,you can't change it.You let you're address inside,so people can bring it back, but I don't know if persons are kind and bring me my wallet back with round about 50£ inside"After it I was just remove my make up,change my clothes and was falling in my bed to fall ten minutes later asleep.The next morning was a Sunday,so I don't need to go to work.That was very easy for me because I needed a day to sleep long.I was waking up because my doorbell was ringing.Guys,it was 8am in the morning.On a Sunday.Wich person is allowed to ring my bell at a Sunday morning.I  opened the door.Oooh,it was just Brian May.Wait a minute.Brian May.Brian Harold May.The famous guitarist of the new band called Queen.Okay,they wasn't new.But it was Brian!I needed a minute to realise everything.I trued to style my hair.I mean it was a minute ago I woke up.I also needed to take a shower.I tryed to style myself how good I can.It was in the middle of august.The sun was shining so strong.And Brian looked so fucking good in the sunshine.He sayed :„I was seeing you on the concert and I will not lie you looked beautiful "I just can't believe.A compliment of Brian May.After looking at the floor he sayed :„I found you're wallet.You're address is in it and maybe it's good to give the wallet to you back" Omg!Brian,he was just a good person. It was one moment,a few seconds, no one said anything. I was just looking in his eyes.He have so beautiful eyes. He said:„As I can see,you just woke up.Maybe you can get ready and meet me at 12 am to go for lunch.I'll pick you up".„okay",I said and closed the door.It took me one moment to realise everything.I have a date with Brian May. I screamed and run in my bathroom.I need to take a shower and get some make up on my face.But at first I need to call my best friend.I told her everything.Than Brian May was at my door,gave me my wallet back,gave me a compliment and asked me for a date.This was the best day ever.After three hours of getting ready I was ready for a date with Brian May.I was wearing my normal jeans and a blouse.Wearing my hairs like every time curly and my boots are my standard.My little pocket was the last everything of everything.My door bell was ringing,it was Brian.My heart was beating so fast. I said:„Hi Brian" and he was smiling at me.This smile was so cute. We went to a nice asian restaurant.I love asian food as long it is vegetarian.We talk about so many things.And the way he talk is so cute.His words like violins.I just can't get enough.On this evening I start in talking in Queen songs.I start with 'Jesus' and 'Liar'.I think Brian liked it,but I am not exactly sure.I just remembered that Brian was smiling without stopping it.And as I sad,I love his smile and of course this man.He is so beautiful. After our lunch we went at home. I think he tried to take my hand.But I am not sure.When I was home I looked in his eyes.The most beautiful eyes.I think so many times about those eyes.They are so fucking awesome.When I put my bag on the floor in my entrance I looked from his eyes to his mouth.I saw that his mouth moved.„Can we meet again in the future?",he said.Okay,it was not just one date,it was for the future.In the next month we met for four times.It was in the middle of September as he asked me : „Do you wanna meet the boys?".„okay",I said.I mean I'm going to meet Roger Taylor,Freddie Mercury and John Deacon.There is no reason to say no.The day before we all meet together Brian asked me if he can stay over night at my house.I answered: „Yes,of course!".Okay,I cleaned the whole house.I needed to clean the house because Brian May is staying over night.When he arrived I was actually happy.I mean I love him.But I don't know if he loved me at this time?He came in my house.Till now he was just in my entrance,so I showed him my whole house.Okay,it's a flat.But we don't talk about that.I showed him my couch and he sat down.After it he asked me to sit down.He putted his arm on my shoulder.After it he took one of my curls.Okay,I don't have curls I have waves.He said to me:„You are very beautiful.Do you know this?Beautiful hairs,beautiful smile and a beautiful person." After it he touched my lips and kissed her gently.The most beautiful kiss I had in my whole life.Brian,oooh Brian,my Brian.You are so beautiful.I loved the kiss.After a long time of saying nothing he kissed me again.Wow,he can kiss so fucking good.And his smell.I love his perfume.„Oooh,where is my jacket",I asked.„You can have mine.We're to late to look for it!",he said.OMG,I had Brian Mays jacket.Can life be better.It was possible to walk to the studio where Queen recorded new songs.He took my hand while we walk to the studio.In my head was the same.'I will meet Queen and I kissed Brian May.Are we a couple now?'When we walked on the street he told me something about the boys.„The quiet one is Deaky.No matter if you call him Deaky or John.The one call you non stop Darling is Fred or Freddie.And the one is just exist is Roger",he said.Oke,this was a good description.„I'd like to meet them".Brian answered with:„Ana,I love you and they will love you".Now I just needed to wait.„Hey Brian,your girl look very beautiful",said Roger when we arrived.I sat down at the sofa and took my denim jacket next to me.„This is Ana",said Brian.I saw that they all scanned me from the bottom to the top.It was a little bit embarrassing that they all looked at me.So while they scanned me,I looked around the room.I saw the instruments,a desk with a ashtray and a little wardrobe with jackets,also mine wich is not mine.Queen was discussing about a song.And I was happy about hearing the next album in the future.„Okay,now we need to start to play the instruments.Let's start with The Loser In The End",said Freddie.Brian gave me a kiss on my cheek and took his Red Special.Wow,he was looking so good while playing the guitar.I will not lie,they all played good but I was just looking at Brian.After two hours we returned home,but not at my home.We returned at Brians Home.A beautiful flat. We kissed a little bit,but after one hour I needed to go home.But the kisses where so awesome.I love his kisses.
And it's so sad when I need to let him go.I let him behind me but he his still in my mind.His smile,his eyes,his face.I'm looking forward to the next reunion with him.But at this moment I needed to go home.
Now it is 1976.We've been together for two years.The next day was one of my working days.But when I feeder my cat Findus I thought about Brian,when I tried to fall asleep I thought about him,when I got ready for work at the next morning I thought about him.He was in my mind.And I was never thought about a boy so much like I think about Brian.Was this true love?I hope so.Because I love him.The  day I worked the whole day.In my typical 70s look but with this kitchen apron.When Brian saw me the last time with my apron he told me I looked beautiful and those are the things that give me strength.Deep inside my heart.When Brian give me compliments I feel beautiful and powerful.And I feel like everything I do is correct.What I doubt,because no one can do all things correct.After my shift in the little bar with beautiful music,I returned home.Brian was standing in front my door.He was smiling.„Hi baby,I wondering what do you do after work and I'm here to find out",he said.„ooh,my plan was to write a little bit my opinion about the space.The space is so beautiful and I'd love to write about it",I answered.„You like it?",Brian asked me.„Yes",I said shortly while open my door.He was looking interested.Of course I know that he was interested in astronomy.„Maybe we can talk about it inside",he asked.So we went in.Okay,we were not talking about astronomy.We talked about things.Things like kissing.And we did those things.On my little couch.Oo Jesus,in the meantime my couch was smelling like Brian.And that's the reason why I love spend time at my couch.Reading my books about my favourite topics.Sometimes with him.Ooo I love it.I lie in his arms and smell him.That sounds weird but I love it.While I was lying on my couch and reading a book about the cosmos Brian was looking at me and stroked trough my hair.It felt so good to feel his hand on my head and later on my cheek.This man have so wonderful hands.And to feel them on my skin is just a good feeling.I can't describe wich feeling I have when I am with Brian.I packed my book away. „love of my life" I said while watching deep inside Brians eyes.Hazel eyes are so fucking beautiful and now I can watch in those eyes every day.I am so happy that I met him.It was not a dream and now I realise it.He is beautiful.I don't know what will happen in the future,but I am open for everything.

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