Understanding Love

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Have you ever been in love?

Are you in love with that person?

Oh, you don't know

What is falling in love?

Okay, I'll tell you what I know

He sure is close to those women

He does keep saying that he loves them

But he ain't in love at all

Loving someone and being in love with someone

What's the difference?

Hey, do you love me?

Oh, you do?

Then, are you in love with me?


That's the difference

An example of someone falling in love is that girl with her friend

The boy? Well, it's true that he likes her

He stumbles the words he tells her

He gets all fidgety and nervous around her

He tries to hide the blush that creeps to his face everytime she's at his sight

But that's okay, it's natural to feel that way

It's all part of having a crush, someone you like

But that girl

The way she looks at him

The way she smile, the way she talk

It is all for him

The way she takes him as an inspiration for her dream

The way she will work very hard for her dream while waiting for him

Like she's reaching her dream just so she could help him

That's what falling in love is

What do you mean this is unexpected?

Well, that's true

I'm not really the type to be talking about love

What makes me know about love?

Well, I did got interested on it before

What makes it take my interest?

There's this situation about a man and a woman

I did not get it at first

But they were really close

And they still are, actually

Heard that they have been contacting each other, all these years

Who are those people?

They are the one whom I think of as my parents

How are they like?

My mom is a diligent person

Gentle, kind, and earnest

Who have healed my wounds everytime I fall

Both literally and figuratively

Who would comfort me even in the middle of the night everytime I cry

And would lulled me to sleep with her voice

Calm and comforting

My dad is an interesting humorous person

Who have told me countless of stories about his adventures

He have joked a lot of times that I will never be who I wanted to be

But would greatly encourage me that one day

That I would become one

Reaching my dream, happy and proud

Surrounded by those who I care about

Travelling with them in this journey that the path took us

The path that I gladly took with the consideration of the promise that I made with the person that I deeply admire

To return this treasure that I borrowed

The treasure that symbolizes that promise

That one day

I will reach that dream

My ambition

Haha, seems like I took a turn from our topic, my bad

It's okay?

Aww, thank you for listening

Anyway, let's continue where we left off

He have always protected her

While she always heal him

They have each others company and comfort

They share their dreams and stories

They make each other laugh and entertained

They cried together saying "everything is going to be okay"

"We might not be able to move on, to forget, but we will always move forward"

It was really nice

How I love seeing them like that

His friend said that they were in love

I was a kid, I did not understand what that meant

But in my head, I said "I love all my friends and family"

I wanted to have their kind of relationship

I told them that

Then he told me that if I were to find someone special, whom I wanted to be with throughout my whole journey

He said that I should treat them properly and well-respected

I got mad at him


What does he mean "someone special"?

I'll do that to all of my friends and family

After all, I've care for them and will continue to love them

I gotta admit

They're the reason why I came to admire love

Have I ever fallen in love?

Actually, I don't know

And who knows

Maybe I have already fallen but haven't realized it yet

I don't think that it's a burden

If I ever fallen in love, I will gladly accept it

I will cherish it

I will protect it

After all, love is a feeling you will never escape

And if you ever ignore it

Things will turn out for the worse

And that's all I know


Do you know it now?

Are you in love?

Do you know who it is?

Do you think they're worth it?

Are they the right person for you?


Then, cherish that feeling

And one day

For sure

You will never regret it

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