It had been 3 weeks since Nunew started feeling sick all of a sudden it kinda weirded him out cause he didn't remember eating or doing something weird but every time his husband asks if his ok he just said it was just something he probably ate. But then it started getting worse he would be nauseous or dizzy all of a sudden. Like earlier he decided he would make chicken for the kids but as he started cooking he suddenly felt a wave of nausea came in he lowered the fire and ran to their restroom
When he was crouching on their toilet vomiting again his husband went downstairs to look for him but then he heard someone vomiting he immediately ran into their restroom
"Baby? What happened?" Zee asks his wife who just flush their toilet and rests his head feeling dizzy again
"... I'm sorry honey but I'm suddenly really tired right now," Nunew said resting his head on his husband's chest as they both sat on the floor
"Baby you should just rest for today don't worry I'll handle your duties today," Zee said and kiss his wife's head who nodded tired, and what's worst he just also woke up
"And maybe let's go to the hospital it's already been 3 weeks since you started being like this..." Zee said Nunew then just nod at him even though he didn't understand much cause he was already half-sleeping
Zee then saw one of their maids and said that "Master Zee, Madam Nunew prepared breakfast for you and the young masters" Zee nodded and carried his already sleeping wife
Luckily it was already Saturday the kids are home and there was nothing much to do there was nothing much also today in their households so they all have a free day today
"Ok can you prepare the table I'll get the boys" The maid left while Zee carried his wife out and went to their shared room to place him in their bed after tucking Nhu at their bed he kiss his forehead and left to go to the children's room. Yes both Sunoo and Sky wanted a room for them to share even though Nhu suggest a room for Sunoo but he declined and went on with his P'Sky
"Boys wake up" Zee softly says as he enters the room but the 2 babies are still happily cuddling each other in their sleep
He then went closer to them and shook Sky softly whose eyes started fluttering, Zee didn't fail to see that spark in Sky's eyes when he saw his dad
"Hello my dear," Zee said while Sky jump in his daddy's arms while Sunoo still sleeps
'Like mother, like son' Zee thought looking at his younger son who sleeps identically like his mother
Zee placed Sky down and carries Sunoo to Nunew, arriving at their room Zee then place Sunoo into Nunew's embrace who snuggled into his mother
"Mama~" Sunoo whimpered when he smelled his mother's scent while Nhu wrap his arms around him making Sunoo feel secure it's always been in Nunew's mother's instinct to cradle his son every time he hears Sunoo whimper
Zee and Sky went to the kitchen as the father and son duo eat their breakfast which is made by Nunew.
"Daddy, why is Mommy sick?" Sky asked as he sat in Zee's lap as the young boy is being fed by his daddy
"Your mommy is just tired from work baby don't worry mommy will be fine soon," Zee said to his son who nodded and opened his mouth so his father could feed him
Time Skip
"Thank you for coming in today Dr.Phana," Zee said as he opened the door for his friend to enter
"Of course Zee now what happened is the family ok?" Phana asks his friend as both alphas went to the living room where Sky is watching TV when he saw his uncle Pha he rushes to hug him
"UNCLE PHA!" Sky greeted the alpha and hugs him
"It's Nhu he has been feeling sick a lot lately and I'm really worried" Zee explained to his friend who nod and place his nephew down who cling to his father
"Ok Sky my boy how about you stay here and me and your papa check on your mommy?" Pha asked the small omega who nodded at the request and went back to the couch while Zee and Pha went to Nunew and Sunoo
Inside the room
"Sunoo really looks like Nhu huh Zee?" Pha said as he looks at the mother and son duo who is still fast asleep Sunoo lying in his mommy
"Nhu darling wake up Pha is here" Zee whispered in his wife's ear who woke up while Sunoo whined when his mommy moved Zee then took Sunoo in his embrace so that the small omega can lay his head on his daddy's shoulder
"Good morning Madam Nunew" Phana greet the madam of the Panich family who is still in bed
"Good morning Doc.Phana" Nunew greeted the doctor who bowed his head slightly
"How are you madam?" Phana asks as he went near the omega
"I guess I'm feeling sick a lot lately" the madam said answered the questions the alpha doctor has been throwing to him. After knowing the problems doc. Phana suggest the couple to move to the house mini hospital which they have incase of any accidents or incidents that can happen on their family
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(The room)
"Lay him down here Zee, oh And I'll call you later how about you spend time with the boys" Phana suggested to his pal who is a bit hesitant but Nunew gave his husband a reassured smile Zee finally went out to spend times with their boys
Time skip
"I knew it congratulations Madam you're currently 2 months pregnant!" Phana announced as he looks at Nunew's ultrasound while the said madam looks extremely shock there's another life inside of him this time it's his and Zee's child he can't help but tear up when he saw the small dot his child... Their child Sky and Sunoo are gonna have a new baby brother and Sunoo is gonna be an older brother now
"I'll make a copy for you so that you can tell Zee yourself madam Panich" Phana said and Nunew nodded he can't wait to tell them that his having another child
After the checkup Nunew guide Doc. Phana out their house making Zee confuse but he did notice his omega has been glowing so beautifully this time
"How's the checkup baby? Anything wrong?" Zee said worriedly as he looks at his dear omega who just smiled up at him "You'll know later love" Nhu said and kissed his hubbies cheeks and sat with their kids who immediately went to his embrace "MAMA" both Sunoo and Sky called and hug their mom the moment they saw him.