South Park superhero battle with a commentator

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-I had a dream about this so if it's weird and not accurate then don't worry I know. This is just an idea that was supposed to be funny. Also, there might be ships, again for humer. Alright, now enjoy

"Alright! We are here with a super battle! Where super villains and superheroes come to fight as a final tournament kind of thing. I am your commentator! And this is the super battles!"

The camera gets a close-up of the two teams. Team 1 is the heroes and Team 2 is the villions. They are getting ready, and the camera zomes out to show the whole fighting field.

"Over on team 1, we have the Mysterion! Looking calm and collected as always."
"We also have Wonder Tweek over here! He seems to be twitching a lot more than usual. It's ok Wonder Tweek, we all have nerves."
"We also have Call Girl over there. practicing swings. Looking great with all that girl power, Call Girl!"
"We also have Tool Shed joining us! He seems to be checking all his tools to make sure they work ok. They look great Tool Shed!"
"We also have Doctor Timothy! He seems ready for the fight. Good to see he's confident."
"And finally we have Tupperware! It seems he is cleaning out his costume! Looking great Tubberwear!"

"Alright now let's check up on the other team!"
"First up! We have Porffasser Choas! Looking as excited as ever! How cute."
"There also Super Craig! Who looks bored and is just sitting and eating popcorn. Wow."
"There's then Fastpass! Who doing warm-ups. Looking great."
"Then there's The Human Kite! Fixing his kite head and making sure it doesn't fall off. Good good."
"There's Mosquito! Making sure his wings look good. They look great, Mosquito!"
"And finally there's The Coon!! Looking confident and ready. I wonder what he's planning."

"Alright! That seems to be the only ones joining us this time! Let's get straight to the fight then!" both teams step onto the field, in two straight lines. Eyeballing each other, "Alright now for the rules! Remember no cheating, hurting the non-supers, or fighting off the field. Other than that do whatever! It is a free for all!! Oh and um..I wrote down some burns to say to ya'll if you get eliminated. If you don't like one tell me and I'll never say it again."

"On the count of three, ya'll can go right ahead and fight! Ready!? One!" The people sitting on the bleachers also start chanting, "Two!" the fighters look ready as they prepare to run at their opponent. "THREE!! And they are off!!"

"All the supers are fighting and seem to have taken groups. Let's see whos fighting who!"

"Alright, it seems The Coon and Call Girl are docking it out! It seems they are at a tie right now. We will come back to them later."
"Over here we have Tubberware and Mosquito. They also seem to be at a tie."
"And-oh! Look over there it seems that Mysterion and Professor Chaos are beating each other! Wow! Look at that! They are going at it!!"
"Oh wow, and The Human Kite and Tool Shed are fighting, and oh! It seems The Human Kite has..picked up Tool Shed! They are in the air!! And oh. What is Doctor Timothy doing? Oh!"
"It seems Doctor Timothy and Fastpass are fighting! And oh seems that The Coon is yelling..cripple fight? Ok then...."
"Let's see what Super Criag is doing-oh would you look at that he's with Wonder Tweek and they are....not fighting..they are..sitting together and..eating popcorn? They are watching the others like it's a show. Oh well, at least they are getting along, even if they are on different teams."

"Let's see....oh would you look at that it seems The Coon was too slow and Call Girl got him eliminated!! And off the field, he goes! Probably to go cry to his mom."
"And oh! It seems FastPass has got Doctor Timothy in a bad situation and-oh! His wheelchair broke! It brocks oh god! That's not good. Oh but look at that. Looks like Call Girl is at his side and trying to fix the chair. That's good."
"Let's look at Super Craig and Wonder Tweek and oh, it seems they are now cuddling. How sweet...."
"Oh! It seems Mysterion is not doing too well! Is he going to be eliminated or-oh! He's good! He's up and is going at Professor Choas! Look at that they are going at it!! And-oh my!"
"Toolshed is getting tossed around by The Human Kite! They are fighting in the air!!" The commenter seems to talk to someone behind them, "Um....c-can we get something under there? Maybe a bucket of pillows? I-I just don't want Tool Shed to....y-you know if he....ok." the commentator clears thier throat, "Alright! Anyway! And oh! It seems the same is happening with Mosquito and Tubberwear! They are fighting in the air! This is suspenseful! And oh-"
"It seems that Call Girl! While trying to defend Doctor Timothy and fix his chair, she managed to fix it but in the process she got herself eliminated! Sorry about that Call girl but it seems your....wifi went out! Oh god, what are these? And it-oh it seems before she goes she is asking what Super Craig and Wonder Tweek are doing. They seem to be kinda arguing and, oh, she gave up and is walking away. Ok then...."
"Oh! It seems FastPass is not doing good as Doctor Timothy has got him stuck in one place and Fastpass cant get him. And oh!! It seems FastPass is out!! As it seems he....he lost....can um....his crutches brock....can someone get him?" Someone runs up and gets Fastpass and his stuff.
"Yeah, those....oh those crunches snapped in half! How do you do that to metal? Wow. Ok then!"
"Ok! Doctor Timothy is going over to Mosquito and Tubberware and-oh! Mosquito is out!! He was flung across the field!! I guess he buzzed out of there! Haha! Oh god! What is wrong with me?"
"Oh look at that it seems....ok yeah there um... there's definitely something going on between Super Craig and Wonder Tweek because they are.... their kissing..ok."
"Oh! Oh!! Oh my god! Mysterion throws Professor Chaos and he-oh god! I think....oh god I think he brocks his arm! Oh god! He's.. he's crying..yeah...he....oh..oh....Ok.... Mysterion seems to be helping Professor Chaos and they....yeah ok....they are leaving the field and probably going to the hospital....oh god..ok well..I guess they are both eliminated....god that was hard to look at.."
"All right.. moving along. Only Tubberware, Doctor Timothy, Super Criag, Wonder Tweek, The human kite, and Tool Shed are left. Alright, let's see what happens."
"Super Craig and Wonder Tweek are talking. It seems that they are talking seems they are realizing that if they don't fight the other might get hurt. Oh boy. It....oh it seems that Super Criag is taking one for Wonder Tweek and is walking off the field! He is eliminated!! It seems he has a strong heart."
"What else is happening-oh it seems The Human Kite and Tool Shed are still fighting in the air!! The others are trying to help Tool Shed but they don't seem to be able to get to them! It seems Tool Shed is on his own! Let's hope he can keep himself together until the others figure something out!"
"It seems Tool Shed is trying to get out of The Human Kite's grasp and-oh my! He got one of The Human Kite's hands off! He is now just suspended in the air by only one hand and it seems The Human Kite seems a little worried and is trying to get a better grasp on him! And it-oh! Doctor Timothy seems to have a psychic grasp on The Human Kite and is-oh! The Human Kite has gone crashing down and has hit Doctor Timothy! That wheelchair is no longer fixable! Meaning Doctor Timothy is eliminated! Sorry, Doctor Timothy."
"However! happily! Tool Shed and The Human Kite are still in! And it seems that Wonder Tweek is running to Tool Shed's side and helping him up. Tool Shed, despite his injuries, jumped on The Human Kite and they are fighting again!! Wonder Tweek seems worried especially since they are once again, in the sky! Do they learn!? They are fighting and-! Oh! Tool Shed has flipped onto The Human Kites back and is pulling at his kite head!"
"Wonder Tweek seems to be putting soft stuff under them in case they fall! Good thinking Wonder Tweek!"
"Oh! It seems that The human Kite has grabbed Tool Shed's tool belt and-oh! He throws it to the ground! How will Tool Shed fight now!? All he has is his power drill! And is trying to use it the best he can but The Human Kite is holding him back!"
"Wonder Tweek runs over to the belt and grabs it! He has the belt but how will he get it back to Tool Shed!? Oh! It seems he is using his powers to climb up to them!"
"Tool Shed is tearing at The Human Kite's, kite head and The Human Kite is struggling to stay in the air! He is slowly going back down! And he is franticly moving around! He getting closer to Wonder Tweek!"
"Wonder Tweek is stretching his arm as far as he can and Tool Shed is trying to grab! They are stretching and-! He got it!!"
"He puts it back on and pulls out a wrench and starts hitting The Human Kite on the head with it!! And-oh! They flow into Wonder Tweek!! Wonder Tweek falls to the ground and-what is? Is that? Super Craig is running back on the field!? Hes-He caught Wonder Tweek in his arms!! And even though Wonder Tweek is still eliminated at least his safe! Super Craig walks off with Wonder Tweek in his arms. So cute."
"The Human Kite and Tool Shed are now fighting on the ground! 1v1! They are going at it!! And they seem to be talking, I don't know what they are talking about but it seems dramatic! And-oh....they have stopped fighting they are just looking into each other eyes and....oh. Oh, I see....they..they figured out they know each other from their private lives. That has got to be awkward! They are starting to fight again but....softly. They are tearing at each other but softer. Yicks! Let's hope this doesn't put a dent in their relationship."
"They are both not doing good and-oh!! Tool Shed gives The Human Kite one last good wack on the arm!! And The Human Kite is eliminated!! Let's get that arm patch up!"
"Tool Shed helps The Human Kite off the field and that is the end of Round 1, the winner is Team 1!!!!"

People celebrate, "We will see ya'll again for round 2! After we deal with all the injuries and fix a bunch of things. This is your host and commentator! Feel free to get more food and drinks, you can get autographs from the supers, and treat yourself to some games to the side. And other than that! We will see you all, for round 2.

-What ya'll think?

-Word count: 1948

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