Kyle's Bulimia

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-So....Ya'll remember when Cartman got really overweight and said Kyle sticks his fingers down his throat to make him puke in one episode? Well, that got me thinking. What if that was true? Well! I decided to make a short story about it. Enjoy and this is a warning.

-Heads up! I am not an expert on bulimia. So if this is not accurate then please do tell me. Don't yell at me for it, please.


There will be Cartman x Kyle. No hate! I will tolerate non of it! Anyways enjoy.





Kyle was staring at himself in the mirror. He look at his belly, he looked at how round it was, he look at how big it was, he hate it. He had just finished his meal, lovingly prepared by his mom, but would soon go to waste. He had to be quick, his mom had invited Cartman over. He hated having to share a room with him, but he hated the thought of Carman finding out about what his about to do more. He would never hear the end of the bullying. 

Kyle slowly reached a hand up to his mouth, hand trembling, he had done it before but it was still hard. He reached into the back of his throat, he gaged, he's reflexes kicked in and he pulled his hand out his mouth, "Agh! I taste gross...." He sighs and tries again. He pushes it in, his throat was begging for his hand to leave but Kyle kept pushing. It hurt at a certain point, since he was no expert he was having a hard time getting himself to puke, but finally, after 20 minutes of gaging,  pulling out, coughing, and just being in pure hell, he puked, straight into the toilet. It was gross but at least it was out now. Kyle wiped the tears, that had formed from gagging and from the pain, from his face. He gets up and looks in the mirror, 'I'm still fat. Why?' He starts tearing up, 'What do I have to do!?' He thinks to himself. He starts crying quietly to himself. 

That's when he hears a knock on the door and a familiar voice saying, "Kyle? I can hear you. Are you ok in there?" Kyle panics, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine Cartmen!" "Are you sure I thought he heard pukin-" "Since when do you care!?" Cartman is silent, "I....Kyle I...." He was silent making Kyl
e think he left. He continues crying a little, "Kyle. I always have." "What?" "I always have. I never show it but.... I care about you more than anybody!" he rattles the door knob, "Cartman....stop..please. I'm fine." "No.. you're not. I can hear you." "I...." Kyle starts crying by the door, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!" "Hey! Hey! No no no! Dont, Apologize. Nothing is your fault." Kyle is silent before reaching for the doorknob, "You better not make fun of me for this....please." "I won't. promise."

Kyle opens the door and comes in, he looks around, " do puke up your food....I..didn't know." "Of course, you didn't know. I hide it from everyone...." "Why? Why did you do this!?" "I don't know....I just..felt like I needed to. I was getting.." "Fat?" Kyle nods, "Wow....Kyle...." he hugs him, "It's going to be ok. I promise. I'll help you stop. You will stop. This is not good for you, this is not good for anyone, and you look good without all this. I promise." Kyle nods, "Ok....yeah..thank you. I never thought you out of all people would help me.." "Yeah....I didn't think so either but probably for different reasons." "C-Can we get out of the bathroom?" "Of course. Come on." Cartman picked up Kyle, "You are light as hell. I got to get you a good meal." "Cartman?" "Yes?" they head up the stairs to Kyle's room.

"I got to tell you something..and I hope this doesn't make you hate me." "Kyle....I won't hate you. Not after this." "Don't make a promise you can't keep." "Kyle....I-" "I love you!!" Cartman is silent as he keeps walking, "Cartman? D-Did you hear me?" He just keeps walking until he got to Kyle's room. He drops Kyle on the bed, "Kyle...."

Kyle was nervous, "Cartman I'm sorry!! I-" Kyle was cut off by a kiss, "O-Oh!" "I love you too." Cartman cups his face, "Let's get you some food ok? Then I can tell you how much I love you properly but right now. I'm scared you're going to collapse from hunger." Cartman grabs his phone and orders Macdonalds, "Where are your parents?" "They told me after dinner they were going to drop Ike off at a sleepover and then they were going to an adult-only party. They said that you and I could just hang out alone because they trusted me." "Oh. I see."

Cartman lays down next to Kyle and holds you tightly, "I love you....I love you....I love you....Your safe with me and I love you...." Kyle snuggles close to him, "Thank you...." "Of course. I'll make sure you're ok. We will get through this together. You'll get the help you need." "Thank you....I love you...." "I love you too...."

-What ya'll think?

-Word count: 935

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