Date night! South park

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-Craig and Tweek.-

Craig was sitting at a table at a restaurant, waiting, for Tweak. He taps his fingers on the table as he waits.

Finally, Tweek entered the restaurant. Craig calls Tweek over. Tweek runs over and sits at the table, "Hey Bebe." Craig smiles at Tweek, "H-Hey! I'm not l-late am I?" "No. Not at all." Criag kisses Tweek's cheek making him go red, "Hehe~" Cruag sits back down and looks at the menu, "What you want hon?" "Oh um...." Tweek looks at the menu, "....Pizza..and coffee." "Of course. I didn't even know they had coffee here." "They do it's just....very low." "Oh. Well, either way. I guess I'll have the same then." They order and the rest of the night goes on nicely before they go back to Criag's home and they collapse on the bed, cuddling.

-Kenny and Butters.-

Butters was outside his house with a bag. He hoped he hadn't woken up his parents as he sees an old pickup truck pull up in front of his house. The person in the car rolls down the window and he sees Kenny, "Hey Bebe. You ready?" Butters nods and jumps in as they drive off.

They arrive at an icerink and they hop out of the car. They had over and Butters opens his bag. He puts on the skates that were in the bag and goes into the rink. Kenny pulls some very dirty, old, and torn ones out of his car as well. He jumps in the rink and joins Butters. They laugh throughout the night before Kenny drops Butters back at his house. Butters lay in bed smiling, "That was a fun night."

-Pip and Damion-

"Damion?" Pip nocks at Damion's office door, "Honey?" Damion opens the door, "Hey sorry. I was a little busy with work. Let's go." Pip smiles as Damion takes his hand and they walk to the dining area in the castle, "Sorry we couldn't go to the overworld and have your favorite food, but I do hope that the chefs here did a good enough job replicating it. Pip smiles, "It's ok. It's a date so as long as we are together and have a good time, I really don't mind." The chefs bring out the food and they both start eating and talking. They smile and laugh, and they just have a great time. In the end, they head back up to their bedroom and cuddle, until they fall asleep, nice and safe.

-What ya'll think? How each couple does date nights. Let me know if I should do a part 2 to add some other couples.

-Word count: 447

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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