Chapter 1 (Nice to... meet you?)

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Maki entered her home, turning the light on and leaving her keys on the furniture next to the door. She took her coat off and hang it. Suddently she was on the floor hands behind her back with a girl on top of her.

Maki: Who are you?!

She said angrily


Maki: I live here you!-

???: Oh, you must be miss Zenin then, sorry!

Maki got up as she felt the weight being lifted and grabbed the girl by her collar, demanding explanations

???: My name is Kugisaki Nobara, at your service! I've been hired by one of your concernead co-workers, they say that for how rich you are you need a bodyguard, so here i am!

Like that the girl gave her a big smile

Maki: Nobara huh... And who exactly hired you?

Nobara: I've been asked to keep the information private ma'am!

Maki: You enthusiasm is very... Disturbing to me and no, I don't either need or want a bodyguard so you are free to leave, thank you

Nobara: Disturbing huh? But still no. I really need this job and I'm sure you need someone guarding over you so it's two birds with one stone don't you think?

Maki: I... I will run some background check on you, give me you documents and... sit there for now then we'll talk when i'll be done.

Nobara nodded, sitting and making herself... comfortable. The she got her phone and texted her hirer.

Text chat:

N: All done, She most defenetly will hire me as long as you did a good job hiding my past.

Z: Of course we did. Don't you dare doubt us after we gave you such an opportunity. Do a good job and you'll be repaid well.

End Text chat

Assholes, Nobara trought to herself.

Looking around Maki's appartment she noticed some very valuable pieces of jewelery.

Nobara: Wow... She's mad rich isn't she?

Maki: Yes I am and refrain from making such comments and using that kind of language, you have to try to look more... professional as my bodyguard

Nobara: So... I'm hired?

Maki nodded, while handing her some contracts that the bodyguard defenetly did not read, she just signed them right away

Maki: Let me guide to to one of the guests room, I'll let you stay there, and my room will be right there so if you do anything unacceptable i will hear you. Don't burn your chances.

Nobara nodded again entering her new room as she looke her "boss" walk away, the she trought to herself: Why the fuck is everyone in that family so damn rude.

She then sighed but still trought to herself that maybe it actually was going to be an enjoyable work after all, her new roomie looked more than interesting.

After getting back to reality she looked around her room, it was big, like really big, and it was all for herself! She explored every inch of the space, she even had a private bathroom, big and luxurious. Everything looked so clean and elegant, event the water looked fancy. Jumping on the bed was like a dream. The sheets were soft, the silk embracing her with a warm hug leaving the girl with a big smile on her face as she dozed off.


Hello, thank you for reading the first chapter of "Souls of the night".

If you notice any grammar mistake or either have suggestions please let me now. Feel free to leave a comment with your opinion or either a request for future fan fictions.

I hope you have a good day a hope you will keep following for more updates.


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