Chapter 1

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 "Happy!" called Nashi. "Coming Iggy" He ran over but couldn't there before she tackled him to the ground rolling them both right over making everyone in the guild hall laugh. "Don't get too rough baby girl. You're getting too big to rough house like that" Lucy advised watching the whole thing. "Not to mention you don't want to hurt Happy, he's getting old" she joked as others cracked up hearing tease Happy. "Ha, ha very funny Lucy." "Oh, you know I'm joking Happy"

"I know" he replied with a smile getting back to Nashi. "At least Happy can take a joke and roll with it...unlike my husband." she thought dreadfully looking over at the corner in the guild hall where Natsu was in fist fight with Gray and Elfman. "Come on you damn stripper; you can hit better then that. I know you can. Elfman, let's se how manly you are" he taunted.

"Okay Spikey, Ice make lance!" he yelled throwing the lance at Natsu as it formed. Not giving him a second, Elfman changed into his beast soul form. "How about this Natsu. A real man attack!" Dodging his attack and smashing Gray's lance, Natsu laughed as Elfman's fists pounded into the floor making two large dents.

"Mommy" said Nashi hopping into Lucy's lap. "Done playing then?" "Yep" she said with a giggle. "My baby" she cooed bringing Nashi's face close to hers and kissing it then setting her back down when Happy came and sat next to them. 

"Daddy loose yet?" "Noo...not yet" she muttered rolling her eyes. "It won't be long now...with those dents in the floor" "Did Natsu do that again? Master is going to flip out...why ." Happy scolded rubbing his nose. "Technically...It was Elfman...but Natsu once again doesn't know when to stop" added Lucy.

The guild wide eyed Natsu as they saw a giant grin forming on his face. "Fire Dragon.." NO" NATSU!" "NATSU, DON'T YOU DARE" "YOU BRATS!" boomed Makarov making them all turn towards the front of the guild. 

His giant fist pounded Natsu into the floor causing an oooh from FairyTail. "Wasn't" he squeaked. "The other two weren't about to blow a hole through the guildhall!" He lifted his hand leaving Natsu in a pile causing an uproar of amusement. 

Shrinking back down to his original size, he sighed rubbing his nose between his fingers. "Natsu.. as much as you've grown, I swear you will be the death of me."

Getting up, he didn't get but a step in before he felt a hard hand on the back of his head. "Owwwww" he groaned "Natsu if master Makarov has to say something else to you ,I swear on Mavis...that you will not like what happens...and that for you two!" Everyone turned to see Gray and Elfman attempting to sneak off. "Y..yes ma'am" they responded. " go do something productive" "Come on over here Elfman..stay out of trouble." "Coming big sis" giving Gray a wave, he walked back over Mira-Jane and Lisanna.

Waving them over, Erza, Natsu and Gray walked over to Lucy and Nashi where Natsu laid a loving kiss on Lucy. "You know that won't get you out of trouble with Erza" "Oh come on Luce, can I just kiss my wife?" 

"Sure, you can, and I love them. Still wont win Erza" "She's right Natsu" added Erza. "Gahh,,you guys are no fun" he rolled his eyes as Lucy and Happy chuckled. Letting out a dramatic sigh, he planted himself on the bench and laid his head on Lucy's lap who ran a hand through his hair. "Daddy got yelled at again" Nashi teased. "Yeah, yeah laugh it up kid. I'll have Erza punish you the next time" he threatened making Nashi's face scrunch up nervously.

Giving her a wink, she relaxed and hugged her scarf. It warmed Natsu's heart seeing her love the scarf like he had. "Wish Igneel could see her. He would be so proud of the girl she's becoming. A chip off the dragon slayer's block. Not to mention the celestial magic she has in her blood." He was lost in thought when Happy poked at him. "What's up little buddy?"

"Been trying to get your attention for a minute there Natsu, you were spacing out" "Was not" he argued. "I was ..thinking" "What were you thinking about?" he looked up at Lucy hearing the warmth in her voice. 

Taking her hand, he squeezed it softly. "I was thinking about Nashi and how Igneel would've been proud at the wizard she's becoming." Her cheeks turned pink as Erza and Gray chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah i wish mom and dad would been able to meet her. They would've loved having a granddaughter to spoil" "We'll make them proud Lucy. All our parent's. Don't you worry" he said squeezing her hand again reassuring her.

"You two are going to have the guild in tears , you keep that up" remarked Gray. They looked up to see most of the guilt including Makarov with tears in their eyes. 

"Oh jeeze, sorry guys" Natsu apologized sitting up from Lucy's lap as everyone's eyes dried up. Stretching his arms out, he clapped his hands together chipper. "Whose up for some training today then huh?" Nashi jumped and squealed "Mee!, me. Come on mommy! we have to do celestial training." 

Standing up, Lucy held her hands out in hesitation. "Easy, I'm still new at this myself baby girl. Training has always been your dad's thing." "Well now, we can add you into it" Natsu cheered wrapping his arms around them. "Come on ladies, Happy!" "Aye' he said getting up with the girls. "See you later guys" yelled Lucy waving goodbye to Erza and Gray as Nashi pulled her.

The Dragneel chronicles Book 1Where stories live. Discover now