chapter one

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 AN: hey guys, most parts of this story are based on my experience with mental health. I hope that by sharing my story, it can help others who may be going through similar struggles and let them know that they are not alone.



I woke up very early since I thought I should get ready because it was my first day on "The Morning Show". I can't believe it, I get to work with the Jeniffer Aniston. I got up and went to the bathroom. Disgusted by what I see in the mirror I quickly sat on the toilet and looked at what I did to my shoulder last night. "ugh why do I have to be like this"   I thought to myself. Suddenly I got pulled out of my thoughts by a yell. My mom's boyfriend. He entered my room so I quickly cover up. "GET TF OUT HERE BITCH" he screamed. oh no. This could only mean one thing, I was about to get beaten up. But I didn't even do anything. I unlock the door to the bathroom, and I was greeted with a hard slap. I fell on the floor hitting my head on the carpet. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT LOCKING THE BATHROOM DOOR" he screamed, "I want to be able to see that beautiful body of yours all the time," he said. "disgusting"  "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" Oh fuck I didn't realize I said that out loud and was slapped again. He left. I finally got the energy to stand up, packed all my stuff with tears in my eyes, and left for the day.

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I arrived and was greeted by a short man. Charlie was the guy that was going to help me around. "hello, we don't have much time to chitchat we have to get you to hair and makeup." he said. I just nodded. Hands shaking, I entered the room, this sweet lady greeted me and told me to sit down. Right when she started doing my hair this blonde woman entered the room. It was Jeniffer, she sat in the chair next to me. "hey, you must be Anna, I'm Jennifer." she said "h-hi" I replied. She looks down at my shaking hands and then back at me with a concerned look. My eyes started watering as we held eye contact. No Anna stop, you don't even know her you can be crying in front of her. I thought to myself breaking the eye contact. "what happened here" the hair and makeup girl asked. shit, it was all red. "I cant be here, I have to go" I say with a saky voice as I storm out of the room. I run until I see a trailer with my name on it. I try to go in but cant. Its locked, now crying I sit on the stairs sobbing. Witch my blurry vision I see a blonde woman approach me with a worried look on her face. I could recognise that worried face anywhere. it was Jennifer. She cant see me like this she will think I'm weak. I started to panick, with now my troath closing I though I was going to die. I feel a soft arm touch my scars, and I flinch. "hey, hey, its okay try breathing for me, okay?" she said. But I couldn't, I just couldn't. " I ca- I cant" I say. "breathe, you have to try for me cmon, I know you can do it". I calm down after a while, I was exhausted and it was my first day. " cmon we are going to my trailer" said Jennifer. I didn't have any energy to argue so I just followed her.

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