chapter 2

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I just remembered that I have this account :))

I've been so busy with school these past weeks and I was planning on starting a new chapter but totally forgot so here it is :).


I wake up in an unfamiliar room. My breathing gets heavier and suddenly I feel a hand on my back, the same place that I got hit. I ounce in pain. 

"Are you okay?" said a gentle voice. I couldn't really see who it was, since my vision was still blurry. After a few minutes I finally saw. It was Jennifer.

"I have to go." I said, standing put quickly, too quickly. I lose my balance for a second. And I feel the same hand on my wrist, shit, my scars are hurting like hell. 

"Sit down" she said, but not forcing me, like she knew my past.

"N-no I can't, I have to go, I have to go home." I said,

"Im not letting you go home, not in this condition, not while knowing what is happening in there" she said.

"But you don't understand, my mom is waiting in the car, It's 3pm already, she's been waiting for 30 mins, she will kill me." I say panicking.

"She won't I am here don't worry." she says.

I hear a loud knock on the trailer door. Shit. I know that knock, it my mom.

"ANNA GET OUT HERE NOW!!" my mom yells.

"no no no no, that's my mom. Please don't make me go out there, and face her.' I say too Jennifer.

"stay here, don't move." she says.

Jennifer goes and opened the door slowly and a little, so all I could see is my mom. She was mad.

"hello?" says Jennifer.

"give me my daughter or I will get her myself." she says.

"not until you calm down lady"

"Its okay Jen, I will go" I say quietly, I didn't want Jennifer to get involved into this mess, she doesn't deserve it.

"wait Anna, text me if you need anything ok? I will come and get you if needed." says Jen quietly so only I can hear.

"How do you know here to find me?" I ask her.

"Don't worry about that, just text me please." she says


The car ride I wish was quiet, but instead I had to hear my mom screaming at me the whole ride home. While I sat in the back shaking, knowing what's waiting for me home. She kept on yelling at me 'WHY DID YOU CALL HER JEN", or "SHE IS NOT YOUR MOM, DONT TELL HER SHIT". I didn't argue back, I just sat quietly because I did not want to get in more trouble.

AN: I know its short but I'm literally writing this on Spanish class and its about to end so 😭😭.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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